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Everything posted by beancounter

  1. I think the girls need to have a party and invite some friends over. They spend a lot of time on their phones so they must have friends. It would bring some new faces maybe even new roommates. They could play games like Nina and Kira did yesterday. They are trying to entertain us but it all seems so forced. They are both very pretty and sexy, they just need to have some fun with new people.
  2. you missed it they took a mud bath the pic I posted was when they wash the mud off each other
  3. they adjusted the bathroom only. I suggested they adjusted camera 5 back where it was but they didn't I also suggested the get a clear shower curtain so much for my suggestions.
  4. Your patience is admirable. if I do not to work, I get no money, the second time a lift. If you look at this as a job for them, than this cannot be considered a voyeur site. You think all these people don't get paid to be on RLC and villa your kidding yourself. Most of them don't leave the apartment. There was that article about watch me 24/7 saying they got $10,000 for living in the apartment. These sites are not real lives they are all people who know we are watching them as voyeurs. This is a job for them they get paid to be in front of a camera. I don't know how much however if you watch they all eat and drink real well. Also look at the cloths they wear, the longer they are there the cloths they wear get better and better so I am sure they make a good amount.
  5. If I was voyeur villa I would clean house let Lilu and Milka find out that playing with Mark and Roma doesn't pay the rent and give you spending money. It looks like the two idiots have convince the girls to play with them instead of doing their job at the villa. I thought Lilu was smarter than that but I guess she isn't that smart to realize she is still bring played by the asshole.
  6. Hve looked in from 11 AM time to time, haven´t seen anybody the whole day. In twitter only the historical "brotherkiss" maybe a synonym of Lilu kiss Mark? later: They arrived shortly past midnight with Roma and Mark, 1 hour dressing up and disappearing..... This friday night is off.. I guess it time to pull the plug on the site. I got better ways to spend my money and time.
  7. Where are the girls today? Lilu left at 7 am her time this morning apartment has been empty almost all day, surprised that a Friday night and nothing happening. Hope this is what the future holds.
  8. ..very special action followed after common bath and shower ...immediately there after they went to bed very unusual early but new: watching iPad there. A big fake??? Or the last try to survive with this site? Champaign bath good idea however camera angle it look like Milka was alone we couldn't see Lilu other than her leg once in awhile.
  9. Isn't she the horny one. The one that had sex in the bathroom and Dasha bated in the bedroom while watching online.
  10. I am afraid until she breakes ties with the two idiots all we will see is what we saw last night. She was gone all day came home for a few minutes left with Mika to eat came home, skyped the idiots for an hour than went to bed. So for my membership fee I got to see an hour of her skyping and playing on her phone. Money well spent lol
  11. I can'tbelieve they spent over and hour skyping with Mark and Roma. How exciting was that I am sure that will draw a lot of new members.
  12. Mark showed up and runned the mood, he left and Milka is laying on here bed alone now I think she want this guy. Oh well
  13. Yes with Mark now they are all leaving a lot of good it did to make mark leave. Now they will spend time outside of our view with the asshole. That will really help this site.
  14. When they first open this apartment there was two in Milana bedroom.
  15. Lilu is skyping Mark and Ramo. Mark totally disrespects her and she thinks he is her friend. She is not the smartest person around.
  16. Did Coco move out, is that why its under maintenance?
  17. What happen last night between Roma and Lilu?
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