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Everything posted by beancounter

  1. Anybody know what they are fighting about it sounds serious
  2. Sabrina doing dishes nude, love how she is scrubbing the pots.
  3. I think she wasn't into this guy the looked like a couple of high school kids hiding under the covers. I think she couldn't wait until it was over there was no real connection between the two of them. To me it was very boring to watch. Just my opinion which is like assholes everyone has one.
  4. here is a video you should all watch https://youtu.be/VMqcLUqYqrs
  5. I am at a loss as to why you want Chiller.Aquarium to stop posting so much. The obvious solution is for you to not look at the posts if the subject matter is not what you want to see... not for him to stop posting. I find his posts a very nice distraction from voyeuring... I enjoy them and I don't want him to reduce his posts. :) Today he posted over 25 post with about 5 or 6 pic's each. That is a lot of posts. I use the "recent post" section of CC, it the easiest way to see all postings by date and not have to worry about subject mater and miss a good posting. His pic's filled three very long pages with pic's. I just asked nicely if he would reduce the number of posting at one time.
  6. I enjoy your pic's as much as the next guy. However can you not post so many, half the board is filled with your pic's , I don't log on to this site to see professional pic's. this is amateur voyeur site.
  7. Why does it keep stoping they need a new server
  8. This was suppose to be a big party, they only added one girl and all she is doing is sitting in a bean bag. Hell the strip poker games last week were more exciting to watch than this and there was only one girl. We need Sabina to take a vacation, she hides in the shower and in the bedroom, she must not know this is a voyeur site.
  9. Please reactivate my membership. October 8, 2014 Beancounter Thank you
  10. I agree since Sabina came back its been kind of boring, no card games. I think Lilu was taken advantage of once Sabina came back he ignores her.
  11. Did anyone see when the guest arrived Nelly & Bogdan were going at it in the bedroom when the door bell rang they had to get dress real fast and answer the door. Reminded me of my high school days. LOL
  12. Is anyone else having trouble with the second floor cams in Nora's apartment
  13. I agree I feel like I reading post form grade school children. Grow up and stick to the facts, hear say isn't a fact!
  14. My mother use to say its all fun and games until someone gets hurt
  15. It's the same girl without the bulge in her pants
  16. I don''t know how accurate your individual assessments are. The may be right on the money or they may not. But one thing is definitely for certain. They are really pissed off at each other right now and neither one seems to be willing to "give an inch" (budge from their position). it doesn't look like there will be any resolution until Rita leaves in a few days. It's too bad. :( Women hold grudges forever they remember everything. Men just punch each other and are friends again.
  17. Another Efim, only worse a wife beater.
  18. If its a marketing stunt I'm not sure how its going to generate more business for RLC - its on a paid for premium channel which only subscribed premium members can access. The only publicity they will get is on CC and videos/pictures will be removed by order of RLC. However - for my money there is something odd going on. All through Nora's marathon solo session yesterday she was checking something on her mobile phone every few minutes and changing what she was doing. Apart from that Nora's behaviour, for us long-term devotees is getting more and more out of character from what we know of her past and present Tonight - after the fun, they are checking something again. I simply float the idea that there is perhaps another agenda here - are they actually being told what to do, not necessarily by RLC? Who cares if it was a marketing stunt or not we got to see some really hot. It was a lot better than watching them stare at their phones.
  19. wine and candle. It's promising. Here we go
  20. it was bad last night but the good thing was whe she jacked him by the front door in the hallway She slapped him hard in the bedroom also.
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