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Everything posted by moules

  1. The second guy who arrived was a fat guy. He left early. The fat guy may be the same guy who brought LiaLia back to B-7 with her suitcases. That was the night Wolf carried LiaLia down the stairs because she was semi-comatose, and could not stand.
  2. May be the same guy who arrived with LiaLia. Sara just gave him the green outfit that she gave that guy to wear and he laughed, like he remembered it. That guy had no problems fucking the girl in that arrived with him and LiaLia.
  3. To be clear, the quote you used was not mine, but posted by Boing
  4. She has rolled around on the bed without her pnties, and given a full frontal to the cam and no sign of a string.
  5. He already spent a few minutes eating her pussy, and fingering her.
  6. She felt for his cock and there was nothing there. IMO, he looks more gay than straight.
  7. She looks to be near the point of going to sleep.
  8. Looks similar. The hair is different. And the guy who arrived with LiaLia and an unknown girl had no erectile dysfunction problem.
  9. Of course. And that is also true for CC. The most recent post on CC on Karol and Kos's Barcelona apartment was October 29th. The only drama is when they lock themselves out of their apartment.
  10. This link starts with Noldus narrating the start of the New Year's party. A contemporaneous account. Not speculation. Not fantasy. Not hallucinations. I suggest you read it.
  11. Last New Year's, Marta and her boyfriend visited the apartment and stayed for several days. The highlight of their visit was a night-time party in the bedroom. Marta and Martina each dressed in fetish kink, soft bondage / dominatrix clothes. A kneeling Alberto helped dress Marta, pulling up her black stockings. Alberto's face was only a few centimeters from Marta's bare pussy as he did. There was fucking by Marta and her boyfriend in the bathroom as Alberto watched through the open door. (I also recall a naked Alberto walking in on Marta and her bf in the guest room either during or just after sex.) There was fucking on the bed by both couples. IIRC, Marta and Martina kissed as they were fucking. There was no awkwardness, or hesitation about what to do during the whole evening. The comfort level and the fluid nature of the nudity and sex led me to conclude that this was not the first time this quartet had partied in this manner. While they did not exchange partners at New Year's, one should not rule out their having done so at a previous 'party'. Late one night, Aziza invited Nelly and Bogdan over to her bedroom. They arrived, Nelly stripped to her panties. Bogdan stripped to his pants. (He and Nelly were naked in their bed when Aziza summoned them. He did not put on any underwear.) Aziza was wearing only panties. IIRC, Nelly directed Bogdan to sleep on one side of the bed, so that she was in the middle between Aziza and him. Nothing happened, as Aziza fell asleep. IIRC, this visit occurred after the incident in which Bogdan allegedly prevented cams from recording he and Aziza, and after Nelly supposedly described Bogdan's cock to Aziza.
  12. If she no longer likes to have sex with Alberto, I do not see her having sex with another guy at this particular point in her life. Two exceptions: Marta's boyfriend. Bogdan. << Both as part of a threesome. (Bogdan, Nelly, and Aziza apparently were on track for a threesome . So a threesome with B&N and Martina is not completely out of the question. And there was New Year's with Marta and her boyfriend.)
  13. According to posters on CC, Alberto wanted to buy an apartment near the business where he is working as a landscaper. The bank apparently told him they wanted a higher deposit amount than he had expected, and he did not have enough money saved to cover the higher deposit. He returned from meeting with the bank very, very angry, went on a rant, and Martina tried to comfort him. (I watched on replay this particular moment. As his anger was not directed at Martina, I assumed it was directed at the bank.) Assuming he is forced to leave the RLC apartment, he would need to rent an apartment elsewhere. Spanish law, as I understand it, allows a landlord to charge one month's rent as a deposit before renting an apartment.
  14. Someone up thread asked what a landscaper's salary was. The average hourly wage for a construction laborer in Barcelona id 14 Euros per hour.. Source: Laborer Construction Salary in Barcelona, Spain WWW.ERIERI.COM The average laborer construction salary in Barcelona, Spain is 28.141 € or an equivalent hourly rate of 14 €. Salary estimates based on salary... To find the average salary for landscaper, or landscaper assistant, one apparently either needs to subscribe, or try searching the above site incognito. These positions are filled by people who have completed obligatory secondary education, to age 16, but have not proceeded to attend a baccalaureate high school for two years, or a vocational school to learn a trade. Alberto's conversation with his mother on first moving into the apartment suggests he attended school only through the compulsory age of 16. And contrary to his promise to his mother, he never attended a vocational school in all the time he has been on RLC. And which is why he is a landscaper or landscaper's assistant. Banks will loan Spanish residents 80-90 percent of the cost of buying a apartment. However, the percentage financed will be lower if the bank perceives that the risk of a default is higher. (For example, non Spaniards may be required to pay 50 percent of the cost of buying an apartment.) A bank would very likely consider Alberto to be someone who is a high risk applicant. He apparently attended school only through the compulsory age of 16. According to CC posters, he was 26 when he moved into the apartment. In the subsequent seven years, he did not have a job until recently, and he did not advance his education and learn a trade. His current job as a landscaper is likely seasonal. The bank sees Alberto as a 33 year old man with no meaningful employment history (RLC participation doesn't count) and with no occupational skills. IMO, Alberto is an ignorant man, who has squandered the opportunity to advance himself during the time he was on RLC. And he should not be angry at Martina, or the bank, but only at himself. The only skill he now demonstrates is an ability to fuck young pussy on a streaming cam. I sense that Martina has saved enough to lease an apartment while she completes her schooling. And Alberto apparently has saved enough to lease an apartment for himself and Juliet. Juliet has no job apparently. So perhaps the sister, who apparently also has a landscaper job, will move in with them, and help pay the rent. I doubt that RLC is interested in an Alberto and Juliet apartment on other than a short-term basis. RLC has not had much luck filling the Barcelona apartments with Spaniards (B-6), or Spanish-speaking visa holders (Bruno)
  15. I do not believe RLC has had a couples apartment, outside of those that originated in Russia, where the male participant was considered to be the lead participant. (An exception is Bogdan in Barcelona, but he has other RLC duties.) There is little subscriber interest in the ongoing troubles of a participant who is dull, has a few dull friends, and does not mingle with the Russian-speaking / English speaking participants in the villas. He was seen as the guy who brought Martina to the party. Now if Alberto were to start fucking both sisters, or to stage foursomes with both sisters, that would change the calculus. Kink sells.
  16. I wish RLC would allow subscribers to commission and pay for shows. I would pay very good money to watch Cecelia and Fiora do a golden showers show on Lacrim.
  17. IIRC, it was posted on CC that Martina was 15 when she first met Alberto. And that Alberto is 5-10 years older than Martina. Martina had to be 18 to become a participant. So she and Alberto were fucking before they both decided the leave their provincial town for the big city. And once in the big city, they quickly appeared on RLC. So is it possible that (1) Alberto took Martina's virginity, and (2) Alberto is the only guy she has fucked? (An exception to (2) may be Marta's bf. Too much casual familiarity at the New Year's party between the two couples.) IMO, Martina has increasingly become disappointed in Alberto. It was posted on CC that after arriving in this new apartment, he spoke with his mother, and promised her he would attend a trade school and learn a skill. (For example, to become a chef, or mechanic.) He never did. And subsequently, he has revealed that he has little knowledge of financial matters. And I now wonder whether Martina sees a parallel between Alberto's early interaction with her (for example, the pursuit of young pussy) and his current passion for Juliette.
  18. Tim had an RLC account. He used that account to monitor what was going on in B-4, and intervened on two occasions after watching Taylor's and Liliith's interactions with Tani. Tim also had a CC account and, after leaving RLC, posted here using an alias. He may have had the account while he was participating, but never apparently posted. And Radi also had an RLC account. Radi would read CC, and IIRC, it was her reading CC that she was alerted to the intruder.
  19. I don't care if he hires a prostitute and fucks her in either villa. Not my business. My point was / is only a fool would bring a girl who is employed for services by the hour to a residence where live girls he is trying to seduce. As for his entering the villa without an invitation, this was discussed in the matter of Tim. Under Spanish law, as I read it, Tim was guilty of a trespass because he entered B-4 without permission of any tenants of B-4. The girls who live in B-4 are tenants. Lacrim lives in B-7, as a tenant of B-7. So the two vuillas are not common property, because different tenants live in each. (Permission can be implicit.)
  20. Lacrim has to be stupid beyond belief. You do not succeed with a girl such as Karma, by bringing s cheap prostitute to where she is living and then fucking her there. I bet he did not ask Sara if it was okay. And he is so cheap. He is probably paying a low rate because it is mid-day. Let's see if he bought her for three hours. Maybe he will try fucking her by the pool. Fingers crossed this stunt is a sign he is on his way out of RLC, and he is doing this to get a good cam score and a bonus before he exits. Ulyana will very likely report the prostitute's visit to B-7 to Harley and Fiora. No more invites to their apartment. This guy simply has no standards. And I agree 200 percent with thinga69. Far worse than Miron.
  21. You must have missed her participation in the penthouse bath with LiaLia and Sara.
  22. I think the extra money is based on the cam score for the room. If you recall Tani's participation. At the beginning she and Tim only fucked in her room, which, as Radi proved, is the best Barcelona room for cam scores. (And remember Tani slept for 10 (?) days with Lilith in Lilith's bed, so Tani knew how the bonus system worked.) Then came the night of the two lesbians attacking Tani, and Tim saving her from their clutches. And afterward, Tim INSISTED she sleep in his room in B-7. And that was the way it was until he left. She never 'bated from the time she became a participant until Tim left. I'll wager Tim shared little or nobe of any bonus money that came to him as the occupant of that room. For example, in the case of Rasputin with three women in what is now Ulyana's bed (but was either Anna's or Lola's bed at the time) there is a sharing of the bonus money among the participants. So the bonus money would go to Anna (or Lola) and she would be expected to share that with the others who participated. I also think that when the cam scores are the result of sex in a common room, for example, Masha and Holly having sex n the Fitness Room, then the bonus is split by RLC between the participants. I'm quite certain RLC tracks how many are viewing a particular cam at any point in time, and even where those viewers live. And my sense is that sometimes when you see a flurry of text messages arriving simultaneously on participant phones. and the text messages being shared and read together, those messages are from RLC IT telling participants how they are doing with respect to the viewing audience. Going back to Tani, when she had sex with Tim in her room, the time slot they often chose for this was during peak viewing hours in the United States.
  23. Margo is not possessive. IMO, the larger question is how many women can Wolfie keep happy at the same time. He had LiaLia, Margo, and Sara all in the same evening, and while playing with Ulyana in the days before and after.. Clearly, Sara has told Nadia about him. Out of curiosity, would Nadia go for a night with Wolfie? Half joking or not, he supposedly told Esmi she was next. And Rachel half joined Sara and Wolfie in a threesome in the spa. And now Karma, who seems far more adventurous than Octavia. OT: If Sara was fucked last night, was Nadia also fucked/ And if so, by who? One or both by Nadia's ex?
  24. For those hoping for Ulyana to have a threesome, I think tonight was the answer to that. Ulyana and Wolfie abandoned B-2 because Sara is sleeping over. I have no doubt that Sara would join in a threesome. And IMO, Ulyana was more uninhibited because no one else was on that floor.
  25. Lacrim walks her to her room, they hug. He leaves.
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