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Everything posted by moules

  1. She let him slide it between her pussy lips. No penetration.
  2. 00:05, and the first act is over, Main act soon to start.
  3. I think Wolf & Co. are waiting for 24L00, which will be the main act for tonight.
  4. Karma, Ocatavia, and two guests of octavia left. The guy guest took his bicycle. No Kelly.
  5. The girls in theWolf group have their coats on. It would appear they are leaving Lacrim behind.
  6. At the moment, there seem to be three groups. the small group in B-1; Wolf, Margo, Neytiri, and Sara; Lacrim, Sabine , and Cecelia.
  7. The party might be in B-1. Two guests of octavia left. Kelly now leaving. Karma still there in black leather.
  8. Lacrim has left B-4. It seems the party will be in B-4.
  9. Karma seems to be dressing like Wolf, Margo, and Neytiri.
  10. Karma often bathes before intimacy. Perhaps something is planned, or she is anticipating something.
  11. Did it snow in Catalonia last night? Why is the Child dressed as if he is in Norway? The temperature is 19 C. RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording
  12. It may be that Wayne has a job, and she doesn't. And she is allowed to participate. ----------- Looked again at replay of the balcony scene with Wolf's fingers appearing to reach her mons veneris (Mound of Venus) but could reach no further as her legs were crossed. Audacious of Wolf to do that while facing Shantal and Megan. And he was not about to finger her on the balcony while those two were present and looking at he and her. I do think he was signaling to Wednesday that next time his fingers were there, they wouldn't stop. As as Wednesday made no effort to move his hand away, I think she was signaling her willingness to go further the next time. Even if she doesn't get Shantal's room, I think the odds are pretty good she will reappear at a future party, perhaps with Mati and Amalia. Maybe she will bring the redhead friend that Wayne and she enjoyed in their bed in B-5. And IMO, she will be paid by Wolf or RLC.
  13. Sara's friend appears to have left at 13:32. Sara gave her a small kiss on the cheek as she went out the door. An old friend, but not a lover.
  14. I think it is speculation. It could be that it was Mati who requested her for the photo shoot, as there was no plan to have Shantal, Megan, or Octavia participate. And Wayne was not needed. I skimmed through replay, but a poster on CC commented that he thought Margo was upset that Wolf was paying too much attention to Wednesday. Given what happened the very next night with Ulyana, I do not think that was the case. And Thursday's massage of Neytiti in the B-4 LR while three B-4 participants watched was clear evidence that Margo and Woif act in concert. I think the speculation that Wednesday might be returning without Wayne is based in part, on Wolf's interaction with her. Regarding Wolf and Shantal, I do not think he and Shantal were lovers prior to RLC. I do think he was asked by RLC to try and get her to do things that are expected of most participants. And he failed. One may recall the night in B-7 when Dylan, Aziza, and a third girl (her name escapes me) had a Molly-fueled, frenzied threesome on the LR floor. And Shantal and her male friend watched, but subsequently did nothing sexual. It is my belief that she misled RLC on what she was willing to do. Perhaps she was subsequently kept as long as she was because her ethnicity appeals to a segment of RLC's subscriber demographic. If Azura had not departed so suddenly, Shantal might have left months ago.
  15. From replay, Shantal started to pack at 17:00. Either she is a great procrastinator, or her leaving was abrupt. I checked Megan's early morning departure. Shantal was not in the apartment, and Octavia was asleep. So no good-byes. From her luggage, Megan was going to the airport.
  16. I am curious. Were there any hints beforehand that Megan would be gone by yesterday, and Shantal would follow her out the door today? And is Wednesday's presence at Monday's show a sign of a return?
  17. For two days this past week, Sara entertained and enjoyed the friend of LiaLia who first appeared at the villa one night with a fat guy, and a girl. The friend first proceeded to finger LiaLia in the LR with others present, and later had sex with the girl in the LR. The fat guy had left before the sex. The fat guy may be the same guy who brought LiaLia's suitcases to B-7, while Wolf carried her down the stairs.
  18. Guess she will be leaving in the morning. Never understood why RLC gave her the best bedroom.
  19. She left with the girl who had arrived at the villa with the couple. The couple girl was wearing a green blouse and long brown skirt. The guess at the time was that the girl who stayed overnight and the blonde girl were both prospective participants. Sara took a small backpack. If she was going to visit LiaLia, she wouldn't much in the way of clothes. The guest girl seemed a bit overwhelmed by the experience. More so than the blonde girl. Sara also gave her some Euros.. She had a red-colored passport, so probably Russian. And probably a recent arrival in Spain.
  20. For those who are not familiar with Dick and Jane, they were a very popular Russian couple who lived in Moscow. Supposedly they were swingers, and traveled to other cities to meet other like-minded couples. In Moscow, their apartment and bed was often frequented by boys and girls younger than themselves. They visited Rome, and Masha. From Masha's standpoint, it was a visit that provided life-long memories. She could not get enough of Dick's dick. Their apartment closed with all the other Russian apartments. I now view Dick and Jane as apex predators, with few boundaries, bringing into their apartment any and all from whom they sought pleasure. IMO, from their actions this past week, it appears that Wolf and Margo have few boundaries. Margo can fuck whomever she wants, no different than Wolf. They have now brought in a new participant, Neytiri, with whom they apparently have a sexual history. Three nights in a row this week, Wolf and Margo are at the center of a leather and bondage show. First in B-4; the next night a bondage and leather photo shoot in B-1 with Amalia and Mati. Interesting choice of a location, as Shantal, Megan, and Octavia were spectators. Wendy was there without Wayne. I am quite certain she was paid by RLC for this appearance. I would not be surprised to see her again at a future show in B-4 or B-7. IMO, Sara is an important ally. On Tuesday night, she seemed to be Neytiri's guide. Both may have had bigger roles if the visiting guy who was paired with Margo had managed to conquer his erectile dysfunction. A sextet of sex, rather than what became a most excellent threesome. Their role as the new Dick and Jane may explain the strange, one-day visit by a previously unknown couple to B-7 a few weeks ago. Fior was their chauffeur apparently, and he seemed nervous in their presence. Having Fior drive them and Wolf and Margo around indicates they were apparently not from Barcelona. On this visit, Nelly and Bogdan were largely out of the picture, so to speak. On the terrace Wolf rested his arm on the back of the chair of the guy, in which this guy was sitting. Unusual body language and familiarity if this guy is your big boss. That is, this guy is a senior manager of RLC, or one of co-owners. IMO, Wolf is being overly friendly, --unless the guy is there to strike a deal with Wolf and Margo on the nature of their future participation. That is, RLC sees them as the replacement for Dick and Jane, and they are to engage in the type of promiscuous behavior carried out by Dick and Jane. If my hunch is right, they both will be around for a while, and Sara too. We may know more in the next few weeks. Will there be shows with Neytiri, Amalia and Matt, Wendy, Karma, Nadia, others? Cecelia and Lali participated in the B-4 show. After Lacrim leaves, will he be replaced by a guy or a girl? If they were auditioning Margo's partner, he failed the audition.
  21. Sara on an overnight to Barcelona. Wonder if she is visiting LiaLia, or LiaLia's circle of friends. Also, I believe Noldus predicted there would be a new participant arriving today.
  22. IIRC, Megan gave Martina a naked massage on a massage table in the penthouse. Or vice versa, but I think Megan was the masseuse. And we will never know if she and Marta had off-cam sex, with Alberto and/or Marta's bf as the witnesses.
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