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Everything posted by piedpiper1968

  1. I have been on here and RLC far longer than you and you are naïve. When I initially joined RLC in Nov 2013, I saw more sex in the first year than almost all the years since that time. Furthermore, REAL LIFE has both positives and negatives and these beautiful young women know more about that then I can possibly understand (especially Russian women), but when they joined this site as a participant they knew what they were supposed to do. And please don't quote me the adverting RLC does in local markets as what they say in person is vastly different...
  2. Dude, do you know anything about marketing. All you "holier than thou" that come on here and act like RLC is some church site where we should be happy just to watch beautiful girls don't understand the bulk of RLC advertising is done on PORN SITES. They are not looking for people who want to watch girls laying around doing nothing but eating sushi. I know of no one who goes to a porn site so they can watch the girls sit on their ass all day. every day.
  3. I don't understand why you feel compelled to bad mouth anyone who says anything negative about this apartment or Kami in particular. Others are entitled to their opinions just as you are. Are you her fucking father?
  4. When we had the controversy re: Eva and the girlfriend I looked at some of my older video recordings and man did I enjoy those early days of Maya and you know who. lol She was fucking amazing. Almost fell in love with her all over again. I stated this in another thread, but thought it better to put it here.
  5. When we had the controversy re: Eva and the girlfriend I looked at some of my older video recordings and man did I enjoy those early days of Maya and you know who. lol She was fucking amazing. Almost fell in love with her all over again.
  6. I have been on RLC as a paying member for five full years now and I can only recall two instances where I was given compensation for issues on RLC. And perhaps I have forgotten a time or it was a period where I did not watch for a few months, but still paid my membership. The two instances I recall were spring 2014 when I received a $10 US credit for technical issues and then last year, I think, when we received Replay credit for issues. Other than those two I have no recollection of any other time.
  7. Amina is one of my all time favorites. I said many times being Amina's boyfriend will be a challenge. She is a free sprit and not much holds her back. She was one of the first to party, first to take off her clothes, first to drop her top even in mixed company. On her last trip she would go party with the girls and occasionally with the girls and their boyfrirends even with Nils waiting back at the apartment for her. She could liven up the party. I am disappointed if she is, in fact, having sex with another guy outside the apartment, but I still like looking at her and her beautiful pussy.
  8. Don't forget there is an open bedroom with Amanda and Pablo. Maybe Amina and Dalia will share this bedroom until the water issue is resolved.
  9. So did anything happen between these two beautiful women? I have been gone all day and see there is no comments suggesting anything happened but wanted to check as I really like Amanda.
  10. I think he gave her a good pounding and she really loved it. In the end it looked like she swallowed his cum, but I wasn't sure. You can actually see the love between these two. Just the touching and even during the night they like to touch each other.
  11. She's thinking about me licking that beautiful pussy and asshole to orgasm.
  12. To each there own. I feel you are wrong and must think because the woman screams that she likes what he is doing counts as an orgasm, but she has had less than a handful of orgasms since arriving on this site. All of them by hand whether Sam's or hers.
  13. Nothing to do with your post. I have recordings and pictures that date back more than 4 years. Over 1.2TB of data and I did not want to search through all of that if you could confirm the first meeting.
  14. All cams working now for those wanting to watch Amina. 0630
  15. Please look at your records for May 10/11, 2018. I think you will find this is the first encounter with this young woman.
  16. I am not a fan of Sam. I think he is selfish. It's all about him. Eva struggles to have an orgasm, but he has an obligation to please her...with her help and guidance but he isn't capable. He can hardly last 10 minutes on his best day. Look at how long Robert has to fuck Lana before she has an orgasm, but he does it because he cares about her..unlike Sam to Eva. This is my opinion. It took my wife almost 30 minutes to come but then she would have up to 5 orgasms over the next 5 minutes or so.
  17. This session was not up to these three standards from past sessions. The girl appeared tired and I don't think she got enough of Eva. in her mind. The last session Sam had with his other girlfriend (the one where Eva always leaves the apartment since the first session) did not go well either. They may need to find more partners.
  18. As I sent via PM this event started with Eva and the young woman and Sam joined later. I have video of this until 0233 their time. Eva at one point went to the bathroom, then went to the kitchen to get a drink and the last time she left the room was to have a smoke.
  19. I am. The girl misc is referring to is the girl that 1) does not wear glasses and 2) has a tattoo on her back that is very obvious.
  20. You are absolutely mistaken. Eva had never left when this girl was present. You need to relook at your videos.
  21. Yes, but never without Eva. This girl is here because of Eva. She couldn't care less about Sam. In all their sex she has hands on Eva because she cares about Eva. Eva and her have actually had at least one session when Sam was out of town. And it lasted all night and was very romantic.
  22. This girl is there because of her fondness for Eva. Sam is just who she has to please in order to please Eva. And I have seen Eva do anal a couple of times without any struggle or expressions that she hated it.
  23. You are right!! But by quick I mean I acted quick in order to get the message to them ASAP so they could spend a few hours trying to figure out what to do. lol
  24. Do we really think Amina is going to spend a Saturday night at home..... NFW.
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