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Everything posted by piedpiper1968

  1. Yesterday when she masturbated with her new vibrator she really leaked a lot. It was hot to watch. Thankfully, she had her trusty towel under her. Did anyone see if Amina showered again and changed her panties before leaving at around 2300 for dancing as she said a couple of days ago? Wonder when we will see her next.
  2. I almost never watch the Barca house and I especially would not watch these two women. Even last night when they were the only thing happening on RLC I did not watch them with any consistency. I couldn't even tell you the names of any of the girls except Anita. I would watch Alice to answer your question.
  3. Love em, hate em I can't imagine anyone not looking at these girls when they are fixed up as they are now at 2325 and not thinking they are beautiful. I have always loved the looks of Kaley even more than Kamila or Kristy.
  4. I also think we will see something. Not like the other girls, but al least she is keeping me interested. I think she has come some distance given today she gave us a nice ass shot on her bed with only her panties on. The more she is around amazing Dalia the more she will come out of her shell. I am taking the positive trail.
  5. Something happened a few minutes before they went to take a bath. They were moving along rapidly and all of a sudden she stopped. Now she seems a little hesitant to move forward.
  6. Alice also pulled aside her panties and took pictures of her pussy. I sent her my mobile number and hopefully I will get a couple of nice pussy shots. lol
  7. She has been here numerous times and is actually his go to girl. You can tell by the tattoo on her back.
  8. Eva took a bath, got dressed, packed a backpack and I think even took her sexy nightie. I don't think she will be back as she likely is out having fun with her lover too. Eva has not been present the last three or four times Sam has had this girl here.
  9. Yes, correct. I think the term swinger parties is what isn't correct. The events I attend are private, by invitation, events. I have never been to an OPEN party. My exposure was completely out of the blue and I was surprised when she took me to this gathering. So, when I speak it is more for private parties. I am clueless other than the exposure through her. She is a known yoga instructor in Vegas so she prefers private gatherings. I have met two other women at these parties who I occasionally have sex with. One is limited to oral only, no intercourse, but wow do we have a good time, and she, like me, enjoys water sports too. Hopefully, this isn't TMI.
  10. They are each off to have some fun perhaps. What did Eva pack in her backpack when she went to the bedroom? Was it her sexy nighty?
  11. I agree with you completely and we in the US seem much more conservative in our upbringing. My eyes have been opened since moving to Las Vegas and having spent many months in various parts of Europe, but I still retain the "faithful" outlook. I get to attend swinger parties for three separate groups only because I have a female friend who belongs. Single guys are never allowed at swinger parties unless they are escorted by a female...at least the groups I have attended.
  12. I thing we should call him Big Brother as he is there and talks to the girls and also sleeps with then and does not fuck them. He's like a big brother to them. I think he is kinda cool.
  13. I thought she was supposed to have coffee with someone about a job then go out dancing tonight. She is worried about her left knee. I found it interesting last night when she was on the phone she told the guy to "say hi to your Mom". She also confessed to being in Milan and meeting a guy who worked for a Japanese company who asked her out for coffee. The guy on the phone must have said something about "did you have sex with him" and she got a little angry and said "all you men think if I talk to a man I will always have sex with him. I have many men who are just my friends." This beautiful woman is a free spirit and I have said it before.... it would be difficult to be her boyfriend, but I would love to try. No hate from me. Just hope she is faithful to her boyfriend whomever he is. By the way other than the angry outburst which lasted seconds there was no sex talk at all for the 20 - 30 minute call.
  14. They were sniffing something outside earlier. I suspect they ain't sniffing tobacco. lol
  15. Well Amanda has been rubbing her pussy in front of Kim and Kenny all night. I would have a hard on knowing how sexy Amanda and Kim are. Edited to add that Amanda rubs her pussy in front of everyone almost as much as Kenny grabs his dick.
  16. Amina also said that she can't go dancing yet as her knee (left) is still bothering her. And Karol's boyfriend is coming back like in two weeks. She asked her new boyfriend whether he was going to drink tonight and he said yes and then she asked if he was going to "smoke" tonight and he said yes.
  17. Amina with a very interesting conversation with a guy. I assume he is Spanish as they spoke English the entire time. She likes him a lot and has not told Nils. She is afraid to call her mom for fear her mom will detect she is having "problems". I assume she means she wants to end her relationship with Nils, but I am not sure. She is meeting someone for coffee tomorrow about a job offer "roving", whatever that means. Then she is going out with the new boyfriend sometime Saturday.
  18. Eva in bed at 1800 means she will get up around midnight and be up all night. Not sure doing what but this is her pattern.
  19. I don't know. I can tell you that Amina is doing things this trip she has not done in the past and it involves staying out all night. If she was not in her room, in the past, we could always find her in one of the other Barcelona apartments/ house, but not this trip. Now she has stayed out all night or been out until after 0600...things she has not done in the past.
  20. It's speculated that Amina was with some guy last night and Nils the previous week and you can only swap spit with so many people for an extended time before you expose yourself to mononucleosis (aka Mono)so maybe this is her justification.
  21. And Nora was a DJ back in those days who on occasion developed her music list at home... and in the first apartment they had like a dance room (one wall was all mirrors floor to ceiling) but I don't recall anyone dancing. I am getting older though so I could be mistaken.
  22. And we know in the past Nora and Irma have played with each other. No sex, mind you, but they get awfully touchy to each other.
  23. She and Irma have a special relationship. It's likely she is there because of Irma. Having said that she has been in this apartment AND the "house" in the last two or three weeks.
  24. This is the same dress she wore the last time and it look like a maternity dress.
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