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Everything posted by piedpiper1968

  1. I think Amina's new vibrator is the same as Irma's, but she can't quite figure it out yet. Hopefully we can watch Amina learn how to use it.
  2. Can anyone fill me in on if the situation was awkward when they woke up? Where is Danaya now? I can't see her in her apartment either. I looked at my video and she was enjoying him licking her pussy. She was gyrating her hips.
  3. Eva has 6 new pair of panties. One thing I have noticed about these Russian women.. they own many many pairs of panties.
  4. Not sure what to call that. But Danaya likes the messy kisses a lot. That is what she shared with Kim on Amina's bed the other night. They were really messy kisses and I loved every one of them. That was uncomfortable to watch. Couldn't figure out what Kim was doing. Like she was his pimp.
  5. So true. It's 0500 and I have not seen her do this much outside the apartment without her being at another RLC Barcelona apartment. Maybe her sister is still in town. Only time will tell but this is most definitely different behavior than in the past.
  6. When I was watching Sasha had some to console her, but it did little good. Meanwhile Masha is in the tub.
  7. Amina going to a lot of work. Must be headed out to a party. Changed into her sexy panties too. Or maybe the BF is going to visit.
  8. 0500 Irma home and is she toasted/ pissed/ drunk. She is a funny drunk. In the shower washing her pussy and talking to herself with an occasional singing note. Too funny.
  9. I don't know how long many of you have been watching RLC, but Amina is not like most of the girls. She is a "free spirit". After hours of watching her she is refreshing in that she thinks nothing of being naked in front of anyone including the boyfriend's of many of the girls. I can recall numerous incidents when she was in the Barca House she would be the first to get naked in front of the other men, but at no time has she approached any of the men in a sexual manner. To be her boyfriend is a difficult task because she loves from the heart all people she comes in contact with. She would not fool around on her boyfriend. Recall they were together for some time in the apartment where Kim and Kenny are and she showed much love for him as did he her. All this adds up to her not messing around on her boyfriend. It is still a question of where she was all night, perhaps with him, but she did not have sex with him or anyone else. Just my humble opinion....
  10. Has Amina showered since she got home? I can see she at least changed her panties? I cannot see her having sex with Aria's boyfriend when they never even kissed the two nights he stayed over. They just cuddled.
  11. 0635 and no Amina as yet. I don't have an appreciation for the way she cuddles with the Aria's BF or ex BF, but I don't think Amina is having sex with him. They haven't even kissed on the lips and we all know Amina is not shy about kissing. I must say though I was very surprised her and Kim did virtually nothing tonight and I can't figure out why Kim would come over there to sit and watch something on the computer. I think Kim was there thinking they were going to have sex.
  12. 0510 and Amina is not yet home. I am headed out for an hour. Perhaps she will be home then.
  13. Dalia looking for her favorite type of porn to watch on the computer. Saw it before she turned the computer.
  14. I am sure Dasha is loving that big dick compared to the Big Dick (Demid) she was with before, but these three are performers and that is a part of what we are seeing. Embellishment is a part of the life of these three. More than anyone else on the site, IMHO.
  15. I am not sure I would be too happy if my girlfriend was cuddling with another man as she has with this young man. And I consider myself quite progressive.
  16. In the tub they fucked for a while, but not yet in bed. They performed oral to completion on each one.
  17. Meaning no offense, but how do you know? Recognizing both of their history's (and I do) why do you not think they will hook up? I have not seen them actually kiss on the lips but I am thinking they are just getting to a point where they are comfortable.
  18. Amina is going to go nuts the first time she sees this young man's cock. She will become insatiable. He is a magnificent lover.
  19. I don't follow this apartment much but whoever is in Emily's bed got fucked at 0630 by a guy with a monster dick and without covers. Was quite nice.
  20. I was wondering how long she has slept. I saw her go to bed at 0600 her time and it is now 2000 and she appears to still be in bed. Has she been in bed all that time?
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