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Everything posted by piedpiper1968

  1. It appeared Leora was chatting then she got up and took the laptop to the bedroom. Is she having fun with herself or is she maybe having fun with a mate on the computer like our friend Alisa? Hard to tell with this woman.
  2. I can hear Adriana getting fucked. Have fun RLC members. She is my favorite on here.
  3. OMG!!! NORA I THINK YOU MIGHT HAVE JUST WON ME OVER WITH THIS PHOTO,O WOW MY DICK JUST GOT HARD AS FUCK,I almost want to take back every mean thing I ever said about her damn girl I didn't know that you were that flexible ;D ;D :-* And another one of Nora actually using a similar position.
  4. Now this is a picture of Nora that I like. Unfortunately, I had the magnifier that distorts the real photo. I could lick that pussy and asshole all day.
  5. Another case in point where we want to thank Buster for correcting the situation, but how can we when he calls the guy that is mistaken a "fucking fool." Why do you need to resort to name calling. Why not tell him he is mistaken. And no doubt Ozi will come on and Like the Buster comment.
  6. Yet another fuckwit. By the way, if you counsel people on bullying, it would help if you could spell it. And here we are again. Without any real reason or logic Ozi resorts to calling someone a name. And why am I not surprised that Buster Likes his comment. Why don't you two just not reply to people if you can't be civil.
  7. I've been watching for 15 months now and have no recollection of Paul ever working. When I initially started watching Leora worked, but Paul only built things at home. Like the super antenna. If he did work we will need the assistance of the old guys to clarify. Please?
  8. Hey, I am a widowed man having lost my wife five years ago dickhead after 37 years of marriage. What did Eclipsed expect. I made an offer. She did not reply to the initial request so I offered again. Now I know for sure she is not interested. I regret she chose this way to inform me, but it is what it is. It's not the first time I have been turned down and won't be the last. We have a number of swinger groups here and I thought maybe she was open minded about it. Doesn't stop me from raging on a guy who makes it his business to call people names just because he doesn't like their comments. Hateful comments at that.
  9. I've not been on much lately. Has Veronica returned since the fight?
  10. Well Alisa has left the building with her bag. It is around 15:00 their time.
  11. Holy Shit!!! Finally, something we can agree on. Is the world ending??? There is no question she loves this man. Even as I write this she is cuddling on the sofa with Paul, even after his abysmal performance. Now her and your lady friend whose quote you use have something in common. Evidently, in Leora's case sex, sex is not all that important in her relationship.
  12. My comments (with the exception of assholes like you and ozi and a couple of others) rag on those that have volunteered to be on display on RLC. You and your cronies choose to rag on other camcap members rather than rag on those on RLC. You guys are fucking bullies on here and no doubt in real life. As a result, I am making it my camcaps secondary mission to rag on you and ozi and others pricks who enjoy making fun of others. So bring it on asshole!!
  13. Another super stud. Tell you what mate, instead of whining, and that's you and probably 50% of the posters on cc, why don't you do something about it. Go out and find yourself a girlfriend. But not just any girlfriend, she has to be at least as good looking as the girl WITH Paul. Then, contact RLC and get yourself one of their apartments. Problem solved, you can show us all how it should be done. Yes, I am not surprised Buster likes your comment. Two peas in a pod. And obviously clueless about both how to make love to a woman and the basic point of this website. If you two don't like what 99% of the people on this website have to say about the way Paul attempts, in vain, to satisfy his woman then why don't you two take your idiot comments to another site?
  14. Adriana in the bedroom laying on her stomach. Perhaps it is time to compete with Alisa, Leora and Dasha. Not a paying member of RLC so have fun if she does.
  15. Too funny. She must have read your earlier post. She is definitely a clitoral girl. If she actually came, she never penetrated her pussy that I saw. Was pretty hot especially, when she plays with those beautiful tits too.
  16. There are those that start arguments for the sake of being an asshole (like you). And then there are those that can finish the argument (like me). Your defense of this little prick (read all the comments since my comment) just shows what a little prick you are...just like Efim. You defend his actions means you think his actions are justified.
  17. Buster, if you didn't see it like I did then shut the fuck up. You are an asshole of the first order.
  18. And it is not the same girl. Different girl. All trying to sleep and the immature little prick Efim came in and climbed in among them. He is such a little prick, especially when he drinks. Can't figure out why someone doesn't kick his scrawny little ass.
  19. My friend, I am not sure how old you are or how many women you have been with but there are many women who prefer to play with themselves to orgasm, especially if they are women who have clitoral orgasms and there are many of them. Many reasons exist as to why they prefer this method including more intense orgasm or perhaps the penis is not hitting the clit properly in the position the woman prefers. The point is, as a man, I am not responsible for her orgasm. I am only responsible for doing everything she needs or wants me to do to assist her in achieving an orgasm. Besides it pretty fucking hot to watch a woman masturbate. Just look at how this site has gone nuts watching and waiting for Leora and others to masturbate.
  20. In my 15 months of watching this was the best I have seen. Paul really tried. And Leora was wonderful. I was so glad to see Paul let her finish herself and did not bother her until she finished getting herself off. Good job Paul!!
  21. My interpretation of the events. Diana and the female guest were already in the apartment when I started watching. Efim and the make guest arrived. The greeting from the guys to the guest was just shaking hands, I could see that Diana was introducing her female guest to the other guy. The male guest gave Diana a hug and a kiss while just shaking the other girls hand. I watched them until they went to bed. The female guest did not drink nearly as much as the other three who got quite drunk. The guy eventually passed out on the couch. The female guest came in and covered him up then changed into some pants and a top that Diana gave her. She sat in the chair while changing. You could see she was wearing black panties, and she took her top off and put the other top on. All you could see was the bra and she took that off after she had the other top on. My impression during the evening was these two were setup on a blind date but she did not seem to overly impressed with him. That is my impression of the evening.
  22. (The Image associated with this comment is no longer accessible and has been removed).
  23. i have to leave but wanted to alert all that a friend of Anton's just showed up and Alina's friend is already here. It is 3:45 am their time. So some of you may see something with the guest couple. We have seen the guests many times before so maybe nothing will happen. I just wanted to alert you all that there is POTENTIAL for sex.
  24. Ok sorry to add this but I see that Nora is watching some of my favorite movies. The Swedish version of the trilogy, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. Great versions! I have watched them on Netflix about 50 times.
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