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Everything posted by piedpiper1968

  1. Thank you for your worthless fucking feedback. Why don't you focus on commenting about the tenants rather than other members. And for the record you're an asshole too for always being the instigator of all the disagreements you have with the members of CC. Why the mods haven't banned you is beyond me. In the earlier days your ass would be banned by now.
  2. Wow this apartment sure has had the drama the past three days. Now we have Bonnie pissed at her asshole BF. And for the record I have posted numerous times about what as asshole I think he is. Thinks his shit doesn't stink.
  3. Olya honey, no need to spend 10 minutes shaving just your pussy and ass. Only Kim gets to lick it and only once in a great while. Just skim the pussy and leave the asshole to me.
  4. Have you never heard of threesomes or cuckolds. You too often embarrass yourself with your lack of knowledge in the sexual world. You would be better off typing notes to yourself and not on CC.
  5. I am not nor have I ever been a fan of Gina's, but I must say she has the exact body I would draw if I were drawing my ideal woman's body. Even to the beautiful lips on her pussy.
  6. Holy shit... Lucian with a little humor. Maybe getting over being so angry. Let's hope!! You could not cut the tension in this apartment even with a knife.
  7. This is not about Lucian being upset with the girl on girl. It is more about, IMHO, Alex trying to talk him into going to bed under the pretense he was falling asleep on the coach with the idea she would then participate in a threesome with Rama and Bonnie. Again I want to state this is my opinion based upon my review multiple times of the overall incident, which started here RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording
  8. Well that is one way to tell your husband to go fuck himself... have sex with the other woman.
  9. As a follower of Alex I have now reviewed the morning replay and I can state without any reservations there is trouble between Alex and Lucian. He has been extremely cold to her. Anyone who has watched their morning routine would know there is an argument going on. All stemming from last night.
  10. I have stated on numerous occasions how much I like Alex. But I think the sex she has with Lucian is violent sex. He cannot have romantic sex for very long. In order for him to have an orgasm he has to have violent sex. There are times when she enjoys it and other times when it is too much for her. Regardless say what you will but the second time Lucian was fucking Alex he got to pounding her so hard she stopped the sex and would not continue. It was, in my opinion, angry sex due to the incident in the living room where Lucian was clearly not happy with whatever Alex has said to him. Look at his reaction for the next few minutes and try to convince me he was not pissed. RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording
  11. Just before that Rama was sitting next to the ladies by the window when they again were playing with each other. I thought I saw Rama playing with Ales' leg. It would suggest that Alex wanted to join Rama and Bonnie especially when Lucian was in the bedroom when this action was going on.
  12. Perhaps but it would appear looking at each bedroom now that Lucian is not very happy with Alex. Pretty much shut her down when she started to suck his cock.
  13. Rama has been fascinated with Alex for some time now. He has always sat where he could look up her dress, get some pussy shots and now he is even more obvious. At least before he was a little more discreet. And frankly Alex appeared wise to it and would cover up or move positions. Now she doesn't seem to care either. Perhaps we are headed for some swapping although I would be surprised if Alex fucked Rama. Would not be surprised to see Bonnie fuck both guys.
  14. Alex has many orgasms. She would be a wonderful fuck. Can go all day and loves it in the ass too. I needed to edit this to add that Alex licked Bonnie's ass a number of times. My kind of woman for sure.
  15. After the last time each guy fucked their woman until the men were exhausted. And Rama even got to fuck Bonnie in the ass.
  16. Bonnie has a foot fetish. She enjoyed sucking on Alex's toes. What a great show girls. I enjoyed it. Thank you.
  17. Just to add some spice to the already amazing Alex I wanted backup my comment with this replay of her purposely posing with her left breast exposed for whomever she is video calling with. Notice how she looks down to make sure the pose is as she wants it. You can decide for yourself if the call is with a man or a woman. In my book having cyber stalked Alex for a few weeks now I believe it could be either. Love to watch this sexual woman. RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording
  18. Twice in the past week I have seen Alex on a video phone call wearing just her Kimono open with no bra talking and acting very sexy until Lucian comes into the bedroom in the first case and now entering the apartment when she abruptly ends the call. Not sure if it is a man (I would not be surprised) or a woman.
  19. Or as Danny Glover's character said to a hooker in the first movie, Lethal Weapon, "All dressed up and no one to Blow!"
  20. I have a question of curiosity... Alex awoke this day when Lucian fucked her then went and showered. Afterward she laid in bed to read her mobile then jumped up and without putting her kimono on ran to the bathroom, turned the water on and sat on the toilet. Could it be possible she does not know there is no sound in the bathroom?
  21. After almost 50 minutes of fucking Lucian could not pop. Maybe the cameras bother him from cumming but not getting hard. Not sure. But he got up and went to the bathroom to jack off as he could not even cum when jacking off on the bed next to Alex. After he left the room Alex masturbated to what I think is her 10th orgasm of the night. I am pretty sure Bonnie was the one in her head when she was masturbating and not Lucian.
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