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Everything posted by piedpiper1968

  1. I heard her tell him "I want you to cum in my mouth" so he did. And she cleaned him up nicely too.
  2. Absent the event I think the B5 folks really enjoyed their stay at the house and the interaction was refreshing for them. I would be surprised if they don't return and soon.
  3. Too bad Ginger wasn't present last night as this would likely not have happened. She would have taken the guy to her room and fucked him to death.
  4. Do we know if they grilled something as the grill has a fire in it.
  5. I don't know what covering the cameras has to do with the safety of the tenants. And there is no shortage of tenants.. Russians maybe but there are hundreds of other markets and easy to find. And not sure who was actually watching the kitchen at the time of the incident and a little earlier but Lucian has to take some responsibility. He was loud and argumentative from the very beginning. Even when the guest guy tried to shake Lucian's hand after the initial incident he refused. If you could have seen Rama.. he was looking at Lucian go a little nuts not at the guest guy.
  6. I tried not to be friend. You know (as you put your emoji larger so I make sure to see it) that I am a little more serious than many people.. even more intense. I hate strong and love even stronger. And I wanted the best employees so I paid well above market for talent and gave three important guys and one incredibly brilliant woman (who alone had made me a fortune in California) the chance to buy my company from me in 2010 for literally 60% of its value. I had lost two of my three siblings so I wanted to travel the world and I have to the extend I wanted to. Helping my sister now in the central part of the US on her large dairy farm. I don't know how she does it. This is hard work and it seems to never end..
  7. I am aware of that moos, but I am in the central part of the US 7 hours earlier and was in bed. Furthermore to highlight how silly your comment is where is the replay for those times? Again its more about the tenants than the customers.
  8. We disagree. I would think the fine for confinement would be a pittance compared to the potential amount of a lawsuit. If I own RLC I want this recording.
  9. Excellent point. I don't know if this time of business is legal.
  10. And for the record I disagree with many of you who think the cameras should have been covered. I want a record of what happened and the best way to get that is to see a recording whether you are RLC or the Law. Most cities around the world have spent billions and billions of currency on camera systems for their cities. Not to mention military uses for the same thing. So these cameras should not have been covered.
  11. Absent something going on that puts RLC at risk with the LAW or a maintenance person being on site these cameras should never be offline. And not at the discretion of Bonnie or anyone else that is a tenant without first checking with whomever their local contact happens to be who should be aware of the RLC rules about covering the cameras. And certainly not because the tenants are sad and crying because of an event at the property. No property should go UM just because of a tenants feelings which is what RLC does all the time. Sorry I owned an extremely successful business that employed more than 5300 people in 26 US States and 2 Canadian Provinces and most of my decisions were to the benefit of the Companies who paid for my services. For those of you who want to argue about specific incidences my point is RLC's philosophy these days is to take care of the tenants when it should be to take care of the members who actually pay the bills. I don't care what the tenants think...they know the rules before they arrive for this paid gig.
  12. Did I read earlier that Kim was injured. She wasn't very close to the event when it went down initially. She covered camera 1-9 while Bonnie covered 1-8. Perhaps it continued after the initial event we saw. I know Rama ran up the stairs outside that go somewhere and that is when I stopped watching. Plus, I am not happy the cameras are not back on line. Sorry, but if there are maintenance people there just close off those cameras not the entire house.
  13. The replay footage was removed before I even went to bed 7 hours ago, which would be 0730 Barcelona time.
  14. It appears RLC has removed all the footage of the incident on replay. In the scheme of things this was a pretty minor incident. Hell, I saw more when my alcoholic parents fought than this. And I find it pretty fucking amazing that Bonnie, of all the people, while her BF is engaged in this struggle and it was her first time at RLC and her first time in this house, was astute and alert enough to cover the one camera while yelling to Kim to cover the other kitchen cam.
  15. I'm surprised they didn't send the others home, but I guess the show must go on... just without us.
  16. OT, seriously this was Alex's reaction when she was told they would be visiting the house today. It occurred at 1308 RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording
  17. Especially a home as expensive as this one. I am not sure the value of this property as I do not know its location in Barcelona, but it must be around 500,000 euros.
  18. I do not know Barcelona's lockdown at this time but I wonder if they would have to be careful if calling the Police due to violating the lockdown? Christ, what a strange time we live in.
  19. You all know I am no fan of Rama but he was the cool one here. Got between the guest and Lucian in the kitchen after the guy spilled a glass of something and Lucian was pushing the guy. Rama sent Lucian away and tried to calm the guest who is a very big man. He was drunk or high as he could hardly stand. Keep in mind Lucian had been smoking some weed and other shit so he was a little wild as well.
  20. I think Bonnie actually made the flowers just after they arrived. When the incident started Olya came running into the Living Room scared and Lucian, Kim and Rama took it from there. If you look just before the fight notice Diane was filming the entire thing in the kitchen on her mobile. I watched the entire thing from the very begging. I thought it was weird when he sat on his hide legs for an extended time talking to someone just inside the normal door of entrance. Look around 19:37 I believe. He was there quite some time.
  21. I can see the whirlpool being used tonight for all except Amelie and Assol. Well and Rama, I guess.
  22. Nice to see Bonnie, Alex, Lucian and Rama interact so nicely with the members of the house.
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