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Everything posted by piedpiper1968

  1. It's an iPhone. Should pick up the network without any configuration. Android's can be a problem.
  2. As I have said many times there are an estimated 60,000 Russians near Barcelona. It is a huge contingent and it seems these girls get to know many of them and it is this group of Russians that get all the girl's attention outside the apartments and house. Notice most of them (there are exceptions) speak Russian. IMHO these girls come here not only because they have friends but because the local RLC manager has additional roles for these girls in the clubs. These girls serve multiple purposes and WE PAY THE PRICE. Think of the pattern lately. More and more of the girls spend more and more time outside the apartments where their real life is and perform shows for us where their fake lives are.
  3. Wow its 0110 and Cherry is asleep. She is exhausted from her night and most of the day navigating her way through the complex street system that is Barcelona dragging her ass home.
  4. Great, bring it on line for the same old shit. 4 girls laying around watching their computers and phones. This place is a mausoleum. Such BS.
  5. I think RLC has shut down this house due to all the complaints they are getting. These girls collectively spend most of the day laying around watching their phones. Now that is fucking boring.
  6. And when she wakes up and starts to play with herself she is really fun to watch. She has a great sense of humor but we haven't seen it yet. I am actually a fan albeit I hate her boob job and the lips although her lips today look better than when she was here with her then BF.
  7. Sergio, not all Spanish workers. Just some of the tradesman...and not always because they do bad work (although I had plenty of this at my villa) but the fact there are not enough of them. Because the economy is depressed in Spain, I saw and witnessed very talented people who were underemployed. Teachers working as store clerks or waiters/ waitresses, a professor (as we call them) working at a sunglass place. I love the Spanish people and loved most of the time I spent in Spain, which is a lot over the 10 years I owned the villa.
  8. Speaking of RLC and the controversy around how much business it has lost. This is a link to one of the better free sites here in the US. Shows a 50% drop of visits since May. https://www.similarweb.com/website/reallifecam.com Edited: And pay attention to the referring sites and see how many are porn sites. That is where RLC spends their marketing dollars. That is the demographic they are looking for, i.e. people who visit porn sites. Edited: Notice the slope....it is still going down. It has slowed down but the pattern is not good if I am RLC.
  9. I too love Martina. Nothing fake with them. I also love that when they have sex he comes inside her. She doesn't even mind squeezing the sperm out of her before she goes and showers. And such a beautiful woman as well.
  10. I have a girlfriend (age 62) now who has done that to me a couple of times when I have been down there taking good care of her labia and asshole with my tongue. It certainly puts a quick damper on the event.
  11. My point was you are new to CC. No reference meant to RLC because I have no idea how long you have watched it unlike this site as it shows when this user id joined the site. We just have different expectations. I have been on CC for almost 5 years and this has been discussed so many times I no longer participate in these discussions. This CC site has many people from many different countries and we all have our own expectations for both RLC and CC. Have fun it is wonderful to discuss these things with people from all over the world. And please remember many try to write in English but it is not their native language. You will see references to sexes oddly but generally you can make out what they are trying to say. Edited to add: And Sergio's comment above emphasizes my point. He is from Italy. And the sex is wrong but you can still understand what he is saying.
  12. I am not going to debate this issue with you. You are new and we have discussed this issue ad nauseum. I have been on RLC for more than 5 years and let's just say your expectations are different than mine.
  13. According to replay when this house went UM around Noon today Cherry was not yet home. This is like the fifth time Cherry has pulled this and this is the stuff that makes me upset. I do not mind if they have sex outside the apartment as long as on occasion they bring it back to the house/ apartment. This has stopped for the most part. We now are getting a recycling of girls who do very little or nothing. Blair has been horizontal since she got here with no smiling. Its as if we are paying for her boob job convalescence.
  14. Many of the beaches throughout Spain have fabulous barbeque joints that fire up a wonderful bonfire at night. But tonight might be a little cold at 47F.
  15. Has Evelyn masturbated above the covers since she moved to this bedroom? I don't recall seeing her do this. She was sure interested in Alla masturbating when she was taking a bath the other day. She took a couple of peaks out the window that joins the bath to the bedroom watching Alla.
  16. Right now at 1900 and Lana's ass in his face I don't know how Robert doesn't lean over and lick that beautiful pussy. Lana is so beautiful and has a beautiful pussy it drives me crazy he never licks it.
  17. Cherry and Holly took full showers with no clothes on. Alla had her nighty on while Evelyn still had her top and her bra on. Both Alla and Evelyn entered the tub with their panties on and took them off so they could wash their pussies.
  18. Nice has some of the sexiest panties on this site and the body to go with it. Come on Baby open up for us all.
  19. I know many will think this isn't really a big deal but Loraine does not smoke so her sole purpose of going to the balcony is to avoid us hearing her conversations. This is the type of action that bothers me.
  20. Beautiful Leora please put sign on your kitchen table with the word "yes" if you're still with Paul or "no" if you are not. Put many of us who have followed you for years out of our misery guessing. Thank you!!
  21. Interesting to note that Evelyn and Alla bathed before going out and when they came back at around 0400 they both stepped into the tub and washed only their feet and their pussies. They didn't even take their tops off. And at 1705:45 Evelyn, while in the tub, hears Alla masturbating and goes to the little window and watches Alla masturbate. Gets a cute smile on her face.
  22. It's 0200 and Leora is not at home. This is unusual. Checking replay I saw she left the apartment around 2240.
  23. Cam 10 keeps reloading for me. Anyone else have this issue. I used two different browsers as well with the same issue.
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