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Everything posted by SierraTM

  1. Maybe they went out with Mila and Laima while RLC decides on their names? If they are potentially going to be no-show girls, then can I suggest calling them Sera and Fima?
  2. Sorry to hear that pal, hope you will find solution for your pain and able to get more sleep soon. I know it very tough to live through pain, I have been through that now I am better so I believe you can get better too! Hope RLC will treat us better soon or if not, hopefully we can find other alternatives in this big wide web!
  3. Finally you come around friend, these girls need to to satisfy the voyeur in us or else why the fxxk are they here and ultimately, why the fxxk do we pay RLC so much money????
  4. Yup they definitely don't look like sisters or are twins. 3-11 girl is quite pretty to me and sleeping topless on her first night is always good for us viewers 😍 Maybe it is on UM for the RLC person who brought them in to bring them around and intro them to the rest since they were here so late last night?
  5. Yes i also mentioned much earlier, Sera is a smart girl who is currently outsmarting and outplaying us the viewers/customers and RLC her employer. She is very aware of the camera angles and knows how much to show or not to show. But after watching her for > a month, I find that she isn't the prettiest girl nor even the one with the hottest body in RLC right now. I give that to Mila (looks, nice curves) and Leia (looks, nice slender body). I know some may not agree with me on Leia but it's ok. Personality-wise I really like Elvira, Nelly and Varvara (her bubbly smile).
  6. Leia bought 1 or 2 vibrators when they went out in the afternoon and shown the girls in the LR. I think RLC really talked to the girls and this is her response. Not sure about Erin and Maluma.
  7. Sera is leaving with Mila, taking along her passport if i saw correctly? And as usual, she cleans up after the girls left without making their "beds".
  8. Makeup sex is always good. Sera, this is what we think you should do with the hottest girl RLC has in Barcelona tonight. Edit: And she bought you breakfast this morning, cooked your breakfast yesterday morning. WTF r u waiting for??????
  9. Eh actually I hope not, I prefer Sera alone. Last night before bed she was feeling it, went without her panties but paused for awhile before changing her mind.
  10. A Russian/Ukrainian living among the locals in Barcelona.... I always think Oksi isn't just another RLC girl, now I know she is something else too 🤣
  11. I think she is, she left B1 early and now it seems Bea is preparing to send her to the airport? And I don't think she left B1 early to move in with Mila (and give her a surprise later on lol?)...
  12. Perhaps they can switch her to other apartments? Judging from Bea's reaction and the rest of the B4 girls, I don't think they are really afraid or threatened by Oksi. I am guessing RLC gave her a warning and she asked to leave. I think this environment is not for her. She is a good entertainment, I like her but perhaps her personality is not suited here.
  13. They are having a goodbye puff at the terrace. I still don't understand how is Oksi leaving and that m*therfxxking Daisy still in B1??????????
  14. She was the initiator on many occasions and got things going, albeit her own ways but still quite effective although some girls might be turned off. I want her to stay, she doesn't deserves to be asked to leave and I don't think she wants to leave. Thanks for the good memories Oksi!
  15. Elvira isn't sleeping or she can't sleep. Think the cold is better than the sofa for her.
  16. Agreed, I think little temptress just wanted to fxxk with us viewers. Nothing in that room, maybe some kisses and hugs and off goes Dick back to the living room.
  17. Sera is either a One Girl Show or No Show. She has proven it time and time again.
  18. Monica.... what a girl! For me, she is the best so far. Hands down perhaps.
  19. Yes it is a BIG FXXK YOU, i swear if i am there i will bitch slap each of them 🤬 Please RLC, change the girls in B2. Give me the candy to renew my replay for another few months.
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