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Everything posted by bluewinner

  1. I thought you were convinced that RLC is not a porn site LOL so looks like you have changed your mind on that. lol And to your main point. these words are used to shame them, make them feel bad about themselves and to belittle them. when someone refers to a girl as "whore" what he is trying to say is that she is worthless and she is not worthy of your attention. it's used to hurt the girl's feeling and self confidence and possibly her fans here. I don't see what anyone would achieve by that. on top of that it looked like it was against the forum's rules to disrespect the participant, but as no one is enforcing the rules any longer, that doesn't really matter anymore. anyway, if you like to call them names, I guess it's ok with new CC standards. but it's definitely not a cool thing to do.
  2. Even if I know for fact that a woman is offering sex for money, I won't be calling her a whore or prostitute to her face, as I don't get what I would achieve by doing that, and I don't like to hurt anyone's feelings. you can call me snowflake or liberal or whatever you like, but that's just how I feel about it, and I believe it's wrong to do that, therefore nothing would change my mind about this. on your other point, I don't think there is a problem in using dirty language during the sex to spice things up, but that's not what we are talking about here.
  3. you'd say anything to suit your argument. 🤣 I guess it's just too hard for you to be respectful and decent. would you find it a compliment if someone called a female member of your family a "whore" or "prostitute" or " slut" ?. plus the way people use it on this forum is not complementary at all. it's used to shame them for what they do. and if you find what they do so disgraceful that you feel the need to shame them in public, why do you pay to watch them? do you think being a pervert is better than being a slut ? LMAO
  4. Looks like B4 is having a quiet night. everyone is in their own room, and it doesn't look like they are preparing for another show. perhaps they need a night off 😜
  5. I have not heard an argument yet. the best excuse that you came up with was that " you say it as it is ". and as we all know that's never a good excuse for being rude.
  6. is " being frank and saying it as it is " equal to being "rude and nasty " ? Is calling me a "jerk" or "asshole" for having a different view than yours " calling it as it's " ? I really don't get that argument. IMO people only resort to insults when they are not smart enough to form an argument and present their views in a polite manner. and if you confront them about it, they call you a child or snowflake or the other silly things. no matter how hard you try to prove otherwise, being rude is never a positive and strength. it's just a sign of weakness.
  7. that makes him feel good about himself. makes him feel superior. I don't know what kind of sad life these people have, but there must be good reason for all these hatred and bitterness.
  8. I don't think it's about the gender. people have been equally offensive towards the female participants calling them "whores", "prostitutes" , "bimbo" and so on. Just this morning Sergio referred to B2 as "Brothel" . it's just sad.
  9. No, that's why I mentioned you, so you can judge for yourself. I could have start trading insults with them and pollute the forum more than it already is. But I thought it be wiser to let you deal with them. 😉
  10. not if they are discouraging people from expressing themselves and taking part in discussion. and when people resort to PMs and clubs just so, that they don't have to deal with this kind of daily harrasment, these same people (offenders) have the audacity to create a topic and play the victim. as if everyone needs to put up with their daily bullshit and just stay in the forum and take their abuse.
  11. @StnCld316 Hi Stn, couple of days ago you said calling members "dog" wasn't enough to get a member in trouble. I just want to check and see if calling members " Jerks " and insulting them by saying " Fuck you" just for expressing their views on a free forum or calling a participant of a project " Prick" is also allowed as Maxfactor and Harley are doing this without facing any consequences. this is probably one of the main reasons that CC is losing members, or not many people would want to join the forum, not the existence of any club that these same offenders are whining about everyday.
  12. I agree 100%. this place has the best vibe. they are just doing things that they are comfortable with and they are having fun.
  13. They are a bit shy. but they have come a long way since they first appeared on vhtv as guests. They have become more and more comfortable with their sexuality. I do not expect to see anything too wild from them anytime soon, but I think they are capable of progressing and becoming more entertaining. We just have to wait and see. 😉
  14. Looks like this guy is becoming a regular guest at Barbie & Ken's. ( he maybe replacing Dylan on the cast lol ). I suggest we call him Aiden 😉
  15. These guys are very comfortable and friendly with each other, the atmosphere in the house is great, and it's fun to watch them, I just wish the guys had a bit more sexual energy. Angel was obviously eager to have more fun with both guys, but they pulled back for some reason. maybe there will be more next time, and it'd be nice if Barbie and Ken join in the fun with their friends. 😜
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