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Everything posted by bluewinner

  1. Radis is up early, having her breakfast. I hope she stays in this weekend. I love watching her. she is so hot 😍
  2. we would have so many blue balls if this custom was spread everywhere lol
  3. Oh sorry, I see H2 in the Kitchen. not sure where B and G are. maybe they have some bang bang in the garage. pathetic
  4. H+M cooking in the kitchen. A+L in their bedroom, Cant see where G is, N+H2 not home. Cinema, movie, dance, theater. very big night.
  5. my posts on VH topics are mostly just screenshots, and a lot of times, members show their appreciation by reacting to the posts. I guess pictures are more popular than words 😜
  6. Sandra & Lima had a hot threesome with their red hair friend
  7. we will see how your theory is going to play out. a Threesome featuring Bogdan, Nelly and Holly would be interesting to watch. so far I do not see any sign of that. but seems like you are an expert, it be more interesting if you give us some more specific reasons for your theory. 😜
  8. It's nice to see Demi being so at ease and comfortable with cams. Just a few weeks ago when she was a guest at H&C, it was hard to get a glimpse of her being naked .😜
  9. do you like it if someone called your home brothel ? if you are ok with that, then calling a flat brothel is ok too.
  10. There is one issue with removing the quote function. Imagine, if you have made 20 posts in the last 12 hours. if I want to respond to your 5th post (lets say from 8 hours ago) just mentioning you does not make much sense, as the time has passed and so many other comments has been posted after that intended post, if I just mention your userID and then write my reply immediately after that, you or others who are reading my post wouldn't know what the hell I am talking about. so then I would have to copy and paste your original post before my reply, just to make sense. and I don't see how that would be any different than what we already have now. I think removing the quote function would just decrease the number of posts and therefore the traffic for the site as most members just won't bother replying to others' posts if it involves mentioning, coping and pasting. and it definitely won't solve the problems with the trolls. there are only two solution to the problem we have, no1 is to enforce the rules of the forum. no2 is to change the rules, so it'd no longer be against the rules to disrespect and offend other members and participants of the projects. you either have the rules and enforce them, or you just get rid of them to avoid all confusions.
  11. well, now this is very different than calling a specific girl whore or prostitute. if you use the words in that context I don't think anyone would find it offensive. thanks for clarifying that. I need to say that my comments had nothing to do with using these words in the context that you described. 😉
  12. how do you know if it does not affect them emotionally, when they are being called that on daily basis? ... and you still haven't answered my question as what are you trying to achieve by calling them whore or prostitute ? does it make you feel good about yourself ? does it make you feel morally superior ? or do you just think it makes you look cool if you are using those words ?
  13. It's just the basic decency to not call a girl , prostitute or whore, at least that's what I have been taught. anyway, I guess it depends on ones background, education, and how they have been raised. if you think it's ok to refer to a girl as " whore ", then it tells us more about you than it does about her. and I don't need to be related to a woman, to defend her against verbal abuse.
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