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Everything posted by bluewinner

  1. Not everyone ! I remember many were in favour of it. I have no problem with girls only apartments, Although It's not my preference. But why should B4 be a girls-only place? Most members who prefer to see girls only, hate male presence in anyway. they just like to see girls running around naked, masturbate from time to time and play with each other. they can do all those things and more in places like B1 and B2. However B4 would be wasted if it's used for that purpose. It's a really nice place, suitable for parties and hosting guests, having adventurous couples and party girls living in it together, is the best use they can find for it.
  2. I think you misunderstood my comment. As I said it's a subjective matter. It's obvious for you and me that the pseudo lesbian shows are staged for the reasons that you mentioned above, but try to tell that to Leora's fans and see if you can convince them, in their eyes that's the purest form of real life experience they have ever witnessed in their whole life. If you do not believe me just go to their page and read some of their comments. However, the pseudo lesbian activities are not the only things that are classed as shows, people call everything that happens on a voyeur-site as part of a show, and most of the time there is convincing argument in favor of it. for example can you ever think of a scenario where a threesome, foursome or a group activity occurs on RLC and people don't call it a show ? even a normal lame party, when the participants play some games and dance to music is referred to as a show. I personally do not see a benefit in categorising events on a voyeur-site into shows and real life experiences. For me the more important element is if what I am watching has any entertainment value or not. for example I do not see any value in Leora & Malia or Megan & Holly daily routine where they lay down nude stroking each other and watch something on a screen together, I can record what they do once and watch it whenever I like as it's always the same thing, so if that's the only thing happening on RLC, I would have no reason to continue paying for it. but if Leora & Malia or Megan & Holly add a new person or change their routine in some meaningful way then there is something that's worth watching. Anyway, the so called "shows" are going to go on, as long as there are people who watch them and enjoy them. I am just hoping that the introduction of the couples in B4 would make it more interesting and entertaining to watch, and that would attract more subscribers for the site, so that they can invest in more places with similar characteristics.
  3. I hope they are smart enough to recognise the trolls and ignore them
  4. I don't think so. Ariana has a good relationship with everyone in B4. but TBH if the new B1 tenant is actually Sera's beautiful friend, I be quite happy with the cast in this apartment. 👍
  5. I don't understand why Sabrina is still with Scott. he doesn't pay her any attention, he doesn't have sex with her, and he is treating her very poorly. she must just dump him and find herself a nice guy.
  6. I think it's just silly to label what's happening on a voyeur site as shows vs reality. as we have no basis for determining whether an event can be categorised as show or as a real life experience. We really can't objectively differentiate between what's real and what's not real. For example, when they have a party and they are doing Karaoke, is it possible to say if they are doing it for the views or it's just something that they enjoy doing and they would do it even if the cameras were not there. It's just a subjective matter, and anyone can draw his/her own conclusion. just to express myself better I give you another example, Lets say Bogdan fucks Nelly when then wake up in the morning, how can we determine if their sex was a real thing that they would do regardless of where they are, or they have decided to do it to get some views and make money. so what I tend to do is to not engage my brain in a mental gymnastic and just categorize events as entertaining or boring. I find the girls/girl or boy/girl sexual interaction boring to watch when it becomes repetitive and passionless, and they do the same thing over and over again. girl/girl sex on RLC becomes boring faster than boy/girl as most of these girls are straight and they have no passion for lesbian sex. I found the Anthony & Loraine + Amalia's threesome interesting to watch even though it was short. Anthony was obviously nervous, which is a normal reaction to that situation and he was excited at the same time. it was interesting to see how far each of them are willing to go. and the kisses and touches between them were passionate and very real. now compare that to the daily routine shows of Leora & Malia, Megan & Holly, or b2 girls and you will understand why I rather see couples and guys in the apartments than just girls.
  7. that was a nice show. it could have been better if Anthony was able to perform longer 😃
  8. TBH, her name hasn't been added to B4 yet, but seems like it's just Gina on her own, unless Curley has gone to get his stuff and moves in later on. but most probably it's Gina with Curly visiting from time to time.
  9. at times it was ok. it really depends on the participants too. Lucian & Alex were not in best of terms with Bonnie & Rama most of their time. and obviously when B&R left and Piper&Taylor moved in, the two couples had no interest in each other. it could have been more interesting if for example L&A lived with Kim & Diane, or Olya.
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