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Everything posted by bluewinner

  1. I don't think they were a couple, it looked like there was some sort of arrangement , and I guess they were compensated for appearing as the guests. He knew who he was allowed to play with ( never touched Serafima , and did very little with Ariana, in fact it was Ariana who asked him to massage her foot ) and whenever they asked him to stop or leave he complied. I just liked the fact that he was actively trying to get some ๐Ÿ˜ƒ not like Lucian who used to lie down and be a corpse. ๐Ÿ˜‚
  2. Even if there were some real swingers on RLC and they would invite other guests to have fun with, you and other people would still call what they did a show. as long as they are doing things in front of cameras and it's being streamed, it's a SHOW , there is no if & but about that.
  3. I never said he should be banned. No one is banned for leaving repetitive comments. and his comments are somewhat interesting if you come across it for the first , or second, or third, ..., or tenth time. but at some point it becomes annoying.
  4. If you like some tenants, and don't like the others and leave positive and negative comments on different topics, you are just a regular member and you have no problem. if you leave only repetitive negative comments about tenants and vhtv on every topic then you are a troll, but from what I have seen the trolls are tolerated, so you still have nothing to worry about. but if you start name calling members and/or participants, then moderators might take action and ban you for a few days.
  5. He has been on mission for a long time now, posting the same comment on every topic. sometime he adds some old pictures to back up his claims ๐Ÿ˜‚ there is nothing really especial about what he has to say. his comments are very repetitive and extremely boring, but he never insults anyone, so there is no reason for him to be banned. we also have a few trolls who leave negative comments on every topic no matter what the participants do. apart from these few, most members are actually nice, and are here to have fun.
  6. So if I am not mistaken by a normal visitor you mean someone who comes over, sits down, chats with the residents and then leave at an appropriate time. I just don't understand what would be interesting about that ? why would anyone wants to waste his/her time to watch a bunch of normal people having some normal visitors . Their show was actually interesting and a lot of interesting and entertaining things happened. RLC would attract a lot more subscribers if they have shows like this more often instead of silly masturbation shows.
  7. whoever took that picture paid no attention to her boobs ๐Ÿ˜‚
  8. I think it was an spontaneous event for Ariana. If she knew what was going on, she would have stayed home to get ready for the night. the fact that she was outside, proves that she was not aware of the party. she just came home and put something sexy on to join the others.
  9. They were playing with him and he wasn't giving up. I found it entertaining to watch ๐Ÿ˜‚ I think he could have had better strategy, but I give him credit for trying ๐Ÿ˜ƒ Hopefully, he will have more success next time.
  10. From what I can recall Amilia visited them once or twice before last night. for the rest I think you are just speculating ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
  11. yes, that was hot. I think Gina is on her red days, she had a tampon in . He also licked Ariana for a millisecond. ๐Ÿ˜‚
  12. Yes, I thought it was strange that they were not #1 on popular scenes.
  13. It's so good to have a guy in the house, it changes the atmosphere for better. that was a great night at B1. I hope it continues today.
  14. This guy is more energetic than Ken ๐Ÿ˜‚
  15. It was funny how Ken carried Barbie around for more than two minutes lol
  16. Thanks Sturm, that was a great comment, very fair and informative ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ˜‰
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