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Everything posted by bluewinner

  1. I don't care if you disagree or agree with me, it's normal on a forum like this one, to have people disagreeing with you. your problem is that you like to shut people up because you don't share their view points, so I have to remind you that you are nobody here, and you have no right to tell people what they can or can not say. the ability to speak does not mean you are intelligent, but if you can explain your viewpoint, have a healthy discussion (instead of using insulting words) and support your argument with facts, it does.
  2. and sorry I must have missed your arguments. you had none, you just said it annoys you when people want to see guys in B4. Why should anyone care about your feelings here ? who do you think you are ?
  3. since Nelly & Bogdan moved in B4, it's now couples/Girls on vacation. I never intended to annoy anyone with my comments, I have the right to express myself as anyone else does, if you don't like what I have to say, it's just sad day for you, I am not going to censor myself for your liking.
  4. if RLC let you choose between Sera & Riya and these two are your only options , are you gonna choose Sera ? 😁
  5. LOL yeah, in that respect you are right. she has an innocent looking face. I don't know why she decided to join a voyeur site when she is clearly uncomfortable in front of cams. but if she carries on like this her stay will be short.
  6. he had no problem fucking Amelie. 😄
  7. I did not expect to see Lucas having sex with this guest girl 😁. I used to put this apartment in the same category as Lia & Brock. now I need to change my classification 😁 it's already more interesting. lol
  8. it's now couples/Gov apartment 😁 and you are free to go and and ask for more women in couple's apartments, there is no one stopping you 🤷‍♂️
  9. 😂 typical post from you. resorting to insult as usual since you have nothing intelligent to say 😁 it's always fun talking to you 😃
  10. it's too complicated for you to understand as you have a simple mind. 😉
  11. no, you are wrong. there has been 3-4 all male apartments on Voyeur_house.com throughout the years, and I can say they are amongst the all times best places ever. as you say, no one is going to watch guys doing nothing, so they have to bring girls and have parties all the time to make it watchable for viewers. I was not a RLC subscriber when Hakeem was a participant, but I have read he had many girls over during his time, and it was the same with the single guys on VH, they brought so many girls and there was always interesting content to watch. of course, they need to find the right participant for this, someone who has good network and social skills.
  12. the concept works if it's two straight male flatmates and they have nice parties and bring girls home.
  13. That's Still. They know each other for a long time, and he was the first guy ever who had sex with her on camera. 😉
  14. She is present most of the time, either in B4 or B1 with Pam. She is a pretty girl and not shy on cameras. I find her very attractive and an excellent addition to RLC. you need to understand that participants are not prisoners, they are allowed to go out and have fun with their friends. paying RLC €20 or €45 a month doesn't make you their owner. you are only buying access to the camera footages, and nothing else. calling a girl worthless and implying that she is a prostitute, just because she does not live up to your expectations is disgusting.
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