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Everything posted by bluewinner

  1. Immediately after Gina went bad shit crazy on him, he started to get his stuff and leave, but she wouldn't let him. at one point she opened her arms and asked him to hit her instead of leaving but he refused and cuddled her, kissed her, and tried to calm her down. you can go back and watch the replay. It was disturbing to watch, and I wish things like that never happens again. but unfortunately the life has good, bad and ugly, and when we watch people's real life sometimes we see the ugly side. I have to say, if they have broken some rules, RLC should decide if they should leave or stay. I am just glad that it had a happy ending.
  2. I just expressed my opinion about what I saw, there was a fight and Gina was the more aggressive one, She was beating him up and throwing his stuff off the window, I did not defend him. I have watched fights between men & their partners on different Voyeur-sites, and I have seen men losing their shit and beating up the woman badly before it goes offline, in this case the guy was comparatively calm and he was trying to de escalate the unfortunate situation. you just hate the boy so much that you can't accept the facts. so you get upset and start calling people names when they do not reaffirm your opinion. Other members also did not agree with my point of view, but unlike you they expressed their disagreement in a healthy way and presented their argument. but as I said before by calling CC members and RLC participants "bitch ass motherfuckers" you have lost all your credibility, and right to talk about defending women. you just showed that you are a low life who has no respect for any woman. you are just disgusting. you should be ashamed of yourself, your family should be ashamed of you, you are a disgrace.
  3. I don't use that disgusting language about anyone's mother, even about someone as disgusting as yourself. the fact that you allow yourself to call people "Motherfuckers" for no apparent reason shows what kind of low life you are. I have never raised my hand on any woman and I won't ever do it. but your strong reaction here shows that you have done that many times and you feel guilty about it. someone who insults other people's mother has no right to talk about violence against women. because you are verbally violent which is not that much different. if reading a comment that is different from your point of view justifies using that kind of language, I am sure you would not hesitate to be violent when things don't go your way in real life. you just showed your true color here. now buzz off.
  4. Don't pretend that you care about women and how they should be respected when you come here and call people "Motherfuckers" for voicing their opinion, or call Bogdan a "Motherfucker" just because you don't like him. you obviously have no respect for any woman as you feel free to use that disgusting language about other people's mothers. I just don't understand why a piece of shit like you is allowed to come back to this forum and spew his nonsense about his moral superiority. you are just disgusting.
  5. As much as I like to see guest girls from S&S again, I am afraid their presence might cause the closure of this apartment too, so I'd say they need to be very careful if they were ever going to mix with that crew. some of them are just bad news.
  6. Funny looks good. It seems like she has lost a few pounds. 😍
  7. I don't approve what Gina and Curly did. but I am merely a viewer, my approval or disapproval of their actions would not change anything, they are both adults and they are responsible for their actions. all I am saying is they were both in fault, and Gina was more aggressive. and that's purely based on facts and my observation, not jealousy and personal agenda. you on the other hand are just ready to blame Curly no matter what the facts are. because you hate him, and you want him out. you are just another fake feminist who gets outraged by anything and everything.
  8. you are absolutely right. It doesn't seem like they are going to live together happily ever after. 🙄
  9. They need to stop taking whatever they took last night. Gina and Nelly were acting crazy all night.
  10. yeah, unfortunately it's not a healthy relationship, but that's true for most relationships nowadays.
  11. what if the woman brings a knife out and try to kill the man ? should he just let her do that or is he allowed to defend himself ? he just hit her two times when she got very intense, and as you said it wasn't hard enough to hurt her, and then he took his stuff and tried to leave.
  12. He took his stuff and he was going to leave, Gina went after him and stopped him. as much as you and other people on this forum don't like the guy, it's Gina who is in a relationship with him, so He be with her as long as she wants him around.
  13. it was unfortunate that happened, but the good thing is they could talk and work it out. I am happy for them 😉
  14. there was no force when he first slapped back of her head. and when Gina went off on him he had very little reaction.
  15. I am just happy that they have made up and are back sleeping together in peace. and it makes the jealous ones mad 😅
  16. maybe you should stop watching, if it bothers you that much.
  17. It was Gina who started the fight, hit him and throw his stuff out. Curly kept his calm.
  18. you are overdramatizing it now. no one has ever died from getting slapped by a girl 😃
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