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Everything posted by bluewinner

  1. I think he is having a good time there. I wouldn't wana leave if I was in his place 😁
  2. That's her. definitely the same girl 😊
  3. I think she is the same girl who had sex with Spiderman a few weeks ago.
  4. Yes, she is my person of interest too 😁 we have very similar tastes πŸ˜…
  5. They should limit the number of guys πŸ˜„
  6. I was thinking along the same lines πŸ˜„
  7. yeah, it did not take him long πŸ˜ƒ How is Melissa doing ? is she coming back anytime soon ? ... believe it or not, I kindda miss her. 😜
  8. LOL yes, some of us see what is happening and some just see what they like to see and fits their agenda. πŸ˜‰
  9. LOL Gina & Curly were having sex for a while, but Curly was not able to cum so Gina decided to give him a blowjob and this went on for a little while and nothing was happening, so she got frustrated and gave up and turned her back to go to sleep while whispering something, at this point Curly hits the back of her head softly, and that sets Gina off, she turned back and started hitting him hard (punching & slapping) while he was laying on his stomach for a little while ( maybe a minute or so ) and then after a little break she starts again, this time Curly pushed her back and she leaves the room and goes to the washroom, Curly gets up and starts packing his stuff into an IKea bag to leave. Gina comes back and tries to stop him by kicking his stuff and throwing them out, then she hits him again and he pushes her back, at one point he hits her with a piece of cloth that he had in his hands. They both hit each other but Gina was more aggressive and hit him much harder and longer. Finally they talked and made up, and now they seem to be ok 😊
  10. I am gonna miss them, they were a nice couple. 😢
  11. From your comments I gather you like Radi πŸ˜„ I am happy that she has her fans now, I remember when she joined I was one of very few members who defended her against unfair criticisms lol now she has proved them all wrong πŸ˜ƒ and she is somehow popular 😜
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