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Everything posted by billiboy

  1. I assume that from the current set of B4 girls, most of them are not interested and if they are then off-cam.
  2. As I said already: Cherry has no problems with the cams, but what she soes is more for herself and we are allowed to see it, but she is not staging for the cams. Evelyn is willing to show open bates once in a while, thats all. Mel likes to show her boobs (and her body if she is drunk) naked, but not bates. Alla accepts to show herself naked in the meantime, but she still avoids an open view on her pussy. Frida and Laima are showing herself naked in the shower or in the tub exclusively. So these seem to be the individual limits for these girls for what they are willing to show at cam - at least at present. ... and all of them seem to be not interested into girls, at least not in front of the cams. Holly is the only one willing to do and show more on cam, but no one is willing to join. Hence I think even a girl like Damira would be good for Holly, but still not helpful for the others.
  3. We all know what you want to see in the meantime. If you really preferred reality and not what you would like to see, you should be a big fan of the B4 girls. They (hopefully) enjoy what the like off-cam and are really not interested to share it with us. That's definitely much more real than what Sara and Stella did. As you are exclusively looking through your pink "reality glasses", I will stop arguing on that point, because it's wasted time.
  4. You claimed Sara and Stella didn't need any drugs, not me.
  5. But most of the time Sara and Stella did their "spontaneous events" they were on drugs, and most likely they got them from the boys. If you want to face it, than you should open your eyes.
  6. I think, if Cherry is not into girls at all, she should not do a show with girls, as it will have the same poor quality as Megan's shows with the other girls, or as Aria's shows with Naomi, or even worse. We had a lot of gils in B4 in the past, who were not interested into girls. They danced around, showed-up naked and in maximum did a back massage (what Chery did as well). That's fine for me, as long as other interesting things are going on in the apartment. But this is not the case at present, except the bates of Holly, Cherry and Evelyn. Frida, Alla and Mel bated as well, but covered either by the bed or by the foam in the tub. And Laima did ... nothing. The mix of girls in B4 is the problem at present. Although I don't know, whether Holly is into girls or not, she is obviously the only girl at present, who would be willing to act with other girls. All others are either not interested in girls, reluctant to show it in front of the cams or both. Hence I think even a girl like Damira would be good for Holly, but not for the others. On the other hand two times boys were in B4 and nothing happened as well. The first time it was 7 girls and 2 boys and as the did not split in smaller groups, There was no chance for anything happening, When Cherry and Mel came home with the boy, at least Cherry could have had the chance to start something with him, but she ddn't. I think whatever they are interested in, they are not willing to do it in front of the cams.
  7. Maybe I am wrong, but for me it looks a bit like Holly would like to encourage the other girls to show more in front of the cams (like she did with Damira, Megan, Anabella and Debby). All girls seem to be reluctant, but Cherry is one of the girls who is open to expose herself in front of the cams in the meantime, but not obviously not together with other girls.
  8. I still don't understand that everything you like to see should be reality and everything else should be shows. Sara had sex with everybody in the apartment, who did not resist, e,g, Aurora, her weird "BF", the Spanish guy, etc.. She did shows with Naomi and Sofie and with Jessica and Stella. She did it in the bedrooms, in the bathroom, in the living roon, in the kitchen - and always well staged for the cams. Stella had sex with the Spanish boy in B1 and did girl/girl shows with Jessica and Sara in B1 and with the B4 girls in B4. In B4 it was the first time her pussy was licked/eaten by another girl (of course Damira) in front of cams, although it was her fourth stay in RLC apartments. The way she behaved one might think, it was really her first time and she liked it. Please don't get me wrong, I fully accept, if you prefer this kind of shows Sara and Stella did than the things going on (or not going on) in the apartments at present. But to say what Sara and Stella did is real and everything else is a show or "pseudo-lesbian" is bullshit. Again, what the viewers like or dislike depends on the girls and what they are willing to show in front of the cams and not whether it's real or not (because we definitely don't know).
  9. The only thing that hold back the girls to have fun in the apartment - at least the type of fun you prefer - are the girls themselves and nobody else. Obvioulsly they are either not interested or not willing to do what you would like to see, e.g. the shows Sara and Stella did. If the girls can only have fun elsewhere - and I do not comment wheter I think it's true or not - it only shows that they prefer to enjoy their real life in real life and not in the RLC apartments. For sure this is boring for a lot of the RLC viewers and obviously much more real life than you can afford.
  10. I understand what he is talking about, but his conclusions are weird from my point of view. The girls do not pretend to be lesbians, heteros, bi or whatever, they do something they like to do in front cams. Sara and Damira had sex with boys and girls at the cams, thats a fact. Are they hetero and pretend to be lesbian? Are they lesbian and pretend to be hetero? Are they bi? I don't know ... and honestly I don't care. Did they do one or the other because they liked it? Did they do it because they thought we liked it? Did they do it because RLC asked them to do it? I don't know ... and again, I don't care. In the end obviously a lot of people liked what these girls did, so for these viewers, they did a good job on behalf of RLC. Nothing more and nothing less. But to claim this is more real than what the other girls are doing (or not doing) is bullshit from my point of view. If some girls are doing nothing at all, it seems much more real and authentic for me, because they have a reason for it. But it's definitely not entertaining for us and hence they might not be the right girls for the show platform RLC (from a business point of view). I still like to watch them. Another example is Aria in B2. She is definitely more into boys, but still is doing the shows with Naomi and sometimes with the girls in B1. From my point of view, she is not at all ptretending to be lesbian, but she accepts to do the shows, because a lot of people like to watch them and hence it's beneficial for RLC and for her. I don't know whether she liked it personally or not ... and again, I don't care. But I like it, if the girls seem to like whatever thay are doing, because it seems authentic. But as that they do it on a show platform , I am fully aware that I might be wrong in one case or the other. But this is what "real life" shows are all about. Amen.
  11. In what kind of world are you living? Lesbian and gay relationships are as real as hetero relationships! And even a hetero girl can have some interest to act with another girl without being lesbian or pretending to be. Although you still do not understand it, the girls are in these projects, in order to present something in front of the cams. It seemed that some of the girls, who have BF's at home, might be willing (or even not) to present girl/girl action, but no action with another boy, in order not to cheat their BF's. Girls like Sara, Damira and Amanda, but also Anabella and Debby don't care and are willing to show everything , which might be of interst for the viewers: sex with boys, sex with girls, etc. Neither you nor me know, whether these girls are hetero, bi, or lesbian in their real life. The people like to watch what they present, some watch only girl/girl, some watch girl/boy and some watch both. And most are complaining about things they don't like. Chose what you like and leave what you don't like and share your oppinion if you like. But please don't try to teach people all the time what these girls ar into or not, or what is real or "pseoudo", because you simply don't know the truth.
  12. According to his comments: In case they put on the strap-on, are they pseudo-hetero?
  13. I hope, Holly and Frida are waiting for Cherry and Mel.
  14. The other 6 girls have been in groups of two for quite some time - which is positive - but not much is happening.
  15. And contrary to RLC, VHTV seems to allow Nicole and Karl not only to read but also to comment in the CC forum (account "n&k").
  16. This is known for nearly 10 months already https://camcaps.net/forums/topic/12465-nicole-karl-2019-part-1/?do=findComment&comment=1635498356
  17. Alla fans are keeping the cam open, in order not to miss the start of her show
  18. You still did not get it: B4 is intended as a vacation appartment and not for permanent residents (like R1 and R2). If it is too big than not for the viewers but for RLC, because RLC has to pay 7 girls instead of 3 (in B1) and hence should achieve a much higher interest rate for B4 than for the other appartments. The comment regarding Asia and Hakeem was ironic and addressed to @ze81.
  19. You are talking about a boys apartment with girls as visitors, right? Alladino is voting for an apartment with mixed singles ... We have already one apartment, where a boy is bringing his girl friends, one night stands, etc. But he has to arrange himself with his roommate Asia.
  20. True, but as they are professional performers, their real life is completely different to ours.
  21. And they will never do. RLC mixed girls and their BF's in COV appartments, but the interest rate is smaller than for the GOV apartments. The concept mixing male and female singles in apartments with cams is called Big Brother and has nothing to do with real life at all.
  22. R1 was a girls appartment. The boys have been guests and not tenants.
  23. Nina and Kira are doing professional cam shows and are fully aware and very interested that everything they do is public. This is the worst exaple you could chose for "realism".
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