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Everything posted by JohnTheod

  1. Although Elvira and the rest of the girls were looked happy when they arrived, Mila doesn't looked so happy....something is bothering her.
  2. In my opinion they are going well together but only for talking, NOT in bed.
  3. Probably she was looking that on her phone.....instructions.
  4. When Bea went to Mila's bedroom and started doing massage (which all girls are doing) i stopped watching because i knew that at the end nothing special will happpen.When i saw the replay i realized that i was right and nothing really happend, and at the end Mila she was bored her and started watching a movie on her phone. Mila did the usual things to Bea only as a favour to her so that Bea will not feel that she is cut off from Mila. Bea doesn't have the mind to realize something so simple...that Elvira belongs to Mila.
  5. Indeed, especially with Elvira they have great shows together, they match perfectly to a point that someone will think that they are lovers.
  6. Sera who came earlier from Elvira is still in the project and probably will stay more, why shouldn't Elvira stay more especcially if she want't it? RLC are not stupid and they know that without her B4 will lost interest as long as Mila don't interact very much with the other girls. Edit: Mila during her first visit she stayed almost three months, why wouldn't she stay the same? She lives in sunshine Barcelona during the winter i don't think she prefer to go back in her cold snowy country, for Elvira i don't know because it is her first visit.....and hopefully not the last.
  7. Absolutely right...in my opinion they are the best couple from all Barcelona apartments and i will do the same thing when they leave. I hope they will stay much longer than the other girls.
  8. Five minutes show...Mila didn't got her panties off, she didn't kissed Bea like the way she kiss Elvira neither she licked her pussy. When Bea will understand that Mila see her as a good friend only but she likes to have sex with Elvira? Stupid Bea.
  9. Mila and Elvira should be the last girls who are going to leave B4.....without them B4 would be a cemetery.
  10. Elvira and Mila will probably stay longer than other girls. Their shows are on the top of views on RLC.
  11. I’m glad to hear that....probably I had wrong impression about her....but Laima very rarely goes out even when the girls are going out all together for a night out.
  12. Maybe you're right, but look at Mila....she leaves B4 every day for gym or something else mostly shopping i guess. To go out just for a walk or a coffee i don't think it's something that it will be costly for them. Elvira is going out sometimes but Laima almost never...from my opinion it's unhealthy to stay always home...but that is just a thought of me also.
  13. I can't understand why Elvira and especially Laima are always stay inside, Barcelona is a beautiful city with so many things to do.
  14. I guess you're right, because when they came yesterday they kissed each other and went to their rooms....she stuffed her backback so probably she will spend the night to B3. Do you know when Jenn and Frank will leave?
  15. Mila left without talking to Elvira in the Kitchen....except if they had talk during the maintenance...otherwise something is happened between them.
  16. Indeed, she used to be out all night when she was with Sera, but from the momment she stopped going to her appartment the only nights that she stayed out was when she went to Jenns and Franks appartment.
  17. It's not bad to spent the night out for fun or work, after all they don't do it every night. And if they go out for work it's a good opportunity for them to earn some extra money.
  18. Yes but you have Mila and Elvira....isn't this a good reason to stay on RLC?
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