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Everything posted by JohnTheod

  1. Yes there many posts regarding Sera, and they are all negative....you think this is good for her or RLC?
  2. Well, it took longer than i expected but the end was just as i thought......NOTHING!
  3. You are not the only one, thank's to Sera many subscriptions will be cancelled....good job RLC.
  4. It's over, they are going to see a movie on the phone and next they will asleep.They are just doing a clickbait show.
  5. I am already counting the momment that they will stop doing anything and go to sleep. We must not forget that we are talking about Sera.
  6. Thank God Laima left Elvira alone and we are watching something interesting.
  7. What are the b4 girls doing when they are home? Except Elvira....nothing....
  8. I am watching Mila right now doing nothing, and Elvira naked in her bed with that stupid worthless Laima dancing around Elvira's bed like a small stupid girl. I am almost certainly that if wasn't Laima Elvira would be with Mila right now.
  9. Instead of watching Mila and Elvira, we are watching Elvira with Laima doing what? Absolutely FUCKING NOTHING! FUCK!! Laima is the worthlest girl in B4.She sould be kicked out ASAP!! Except Elvira all the other girls in B4 are worthless....no wonder why Mila want's to be with Sera.
  10. And the most imortant? she get paid for this, she will be fool if she decides to leave earlier.
  11. She will stay there as long as she can, she is in Barcelona one of the most beautiful citys of Europe, way better than her homeland. I would done the same thing if i could.
  12. I might be wrong but i don't think Mila has enjoyed, she was just doing a favour to Bea, that's why she didn't eat her pussy. But i agree that she would wish to be with Elvira.
  13. I think the show is over. Nothing special happened.Can't say that i am not suprised, especially when Bea is involved.
  14. If Elvira was in Bea's place we would have seen a good action. Bea is doing nothing and expects from Mila to do all the job. I don't think we are going to see something special.
  15. I hope because time is limited for these girls regarding there staying.
  16. If Sera would love women like Elvira does, we would have seen great moments between them.
  17. Let's face it. Good or bad influence Sera is the only girl who has common interests with Mila, such as shopping, clubbing and maybe going to the gym. From what i have seen until now B4 girls doesn't look to have these interests like Mila, they prefer to stay home. Mila obviously she doesn't want to stay home all day doing nothing, as the other girls, or having sex with elvira, so Sera is the only person who can carry out Mila's needs, especially in a well known city like Barcelona. So, my opinion is that we are going to see more often those meetings with Sera, and to be honest she is doing the right thing.
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