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Everything posted by JohnTheod

  1. You are right, I just saw the replay and indeed Elvira took extra shoes with her bag.
  2. They are not dressed for club...probably they will stay to another apartment.
  3. Mila and Elvira are getting dressed...probably they are going out together.
  4. It's not bad to hanging out with Jenn...she is harmless....better with her than being with Sera. Anyway i didn't notice taking any nightie or toothbrush so she probably will come back tonight.
  5. The only reason she worked at the club was because of Sera, neither before or after she left Sera ( hopefully for ever) worked there. Probably she decided to continue the night out with some other friends.After all she had weeks since the last time she had a night out.
  6. Can't Bea see that Mila and Elvira want's to be alone? Why is she so fucking stupid?
  7. Wrong, when Mila and Elvira are together they are doing many things, as long as useless and worthless Bea is there nothing will happen.
  8. She can't do more because she isn't like Elvira, and she will never be, the only good thing she can do is get lost.
  9. Something else? Like what? Bea doing nothing? The only good thing she can do is to get the fuck out of there.
  10. I have seen better threesome shows in a strip club, only when Mila and elvira are together alone we see a good show.
  11. The only thing they will take in the bed is the phone to watch a movie....as always.
  12. If that useless Bea wasn't there we could have seen a great show between Mila and Elvira, why the fuck she doesn't leave?
  13. I also wonder....J & F are not a threat for Mila....Sera is the real danger.
  14. If Sera is going to be in the party tomorrow then we will say goodbye to Mila again.
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