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Posts posted by moonlight89

  1. 2 minutes ago, life+90 said:

    It would be great if they lived with Leonie.

    i dont think so, Barneys attitude wont change,he in unsecure and has temper issues, in many parties that m+s does he will give many times a negative vibe (we have witness that in first hand),and eventually wont last long their cooporation. well thats my prediction, we see what gonna happen.

  2. 19 minutes ago, life+90 said:

    I wonder what Melissa and Sergio's plan is.They usually don't live alone.They usually take a girl or a couple home to live with them.

    I hope Melissa&Sergio include a new girl or couple in VH.

    i do have a feeling that Leonie and Barney gonna join them,could be the reasson of relocation.

  3. 1 minute ago, Sparkles said:

    The blonds aren't the same. There is a lot of videos from the guy and the other blond (as example check 26/10 and 20/10)

    From the girl was this but not on archives (the group photo was the guy and the blonde in black was the blonde with him) 


    thanks for clarifying Sparkles 🙂 well it doesnt look like this girl will do anything tonight, but i hope we see her in action soon 🙂

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  4. 1 minute ago, Sparkles said:

    The guy is the same one that had and interesting sessions of sex with a blonde at katrin previous place. And the girl was also a guest there but it's not the same that was with the guy

    so that blond had sex in katrins place? and if yes is it in the archives? 🙂

  5. its all staged lol 😄 its happen few times like how nikki will enter  while he is flirting with someone they throw a fake fight and than they fuck 😄 i guess today was nikkis time to play the flirting game 😄 but for me it is very funny, like now archi went to the store and imidiately she start flirting took him in the room and boom archi enters 😄 or the previous time when Archi was making massage to the asian girl while Nikki was smoking, lol 😄

  6. its all staged lol 😄 its happen few times like how nikki will enter  while he is flirting with someone they throw a fake fight and than they fuck 😄 i guess today was nikkis time to play the flirting game 😄 but for me it is very funny, like now archi went to the store and imidiately she start flirting took him in the room and boom archi enters 😄 or the previous time when Archi was making massage to the asian girl while N

  7. Just now, Gudari said:

    Many new couples will be thinking right now, why are we going to do something else ourselves if our managers do absolutely nothing and are they possibly charging more than us or are even charging for what we do? This is real life! Someone above should give a serious warning to these people who think they've already won it all and shouldn't do anything else!

    i think someone should give you a serious warning, since from the time i have been here, you always complain and judge and accusing, man have you ever said anything positive? i really feel sorry for you,so much negativity,omg,hard to have someone like this in life, tonight was a bbad party but i saw some positive changes and i'm focusing there, anyway just an advice,be a bit more positive say one good word or two, you will be happier and could have more chances to be listen 🙂 always will good wiil 🙂

  8. actyally what happend in the second round was very wrong,it was playing with the limits of rape, she said more than once that the other guy to leave,and said few times no,yet at some point at the end the guy could be considered that he is puting actually physical force against her,i'm glad it finsih in the way it finish cause things could get much worse, im very skeptical about thoose two guys 😕

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  9. when nikki gave a blowjob he got hard but once she stop he losty erection, morgiana or whatever really want to fuck and might have a threesome, it is definetely organised,could also be an agreed payback  since Archi played with that hot girl.but for some reasson i realy like them.they do tease they are improvising with their nights,and do bit a bit everything.they are not all in hardcore that you are geting bored in a week or two,to me all those things they do (even if it is staged) looks for some reason natural.they are the ones that really gave an efford for their stupid partys all the night something diferent,and tonight was something like a bachelor party 😄

  10. i belive this apartment has a potentials, first off all in how many of that circle in their first night of soft swingers did they do something interesting? now clarise was licked by Andrew and Saun got a blowjob from Krista, in my opinion it is matter of time till we see exchanging oral with another couple, not sure about penetration but a blowjob is highly propable.

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