Whatver Asia thought when she joined him in this room, I can't believe it involved being constantly isolated while he shags anything that moves.
Its really sad watching her sitting on her own on New Years Eve, or spending all their time together in separate rooms
IMHO she should leave while she still can
What is this obsession Masha has with turning her (and any visitors) head into a ratty old rug??
Looks like shit - Nelly ought to get rid of it ASAP, looks fucking awful
With you on this Daleys
50% of the apartments are now faux lesbians
25% are on holiday all the sodding time
10% seem to be paid performers with worrying levels of apparent domestic abuse
15% seem to be close to real people Emma & Julio , Chloe & Tyler come to mind
And the final insult of having to pay extra to see any actual action on replay
RLC dont even appear to have an email address to complain to
Taking us for mugs