they are doing even more packing now, im assuming shes emotional about moving and going to the next thing, shes not depressed about sitting around at home have all that free time and not sitting in an office all day.
I hope so, tho I've seen those things cleared off the shelves near the tv too. Hopefully it's just a shakeup to the living space and spare room. Fingers crossed
I know for a fact that some fuck wit that was on here has previously taken the OF links and found other social media, then taken naked screen caps of Linda about the house and sent to friends or family. ive noticed that since that has happend she has been dressed and rugged up more often and everything under the covers. the crying could be due to more of the same
does samson ever cum or actually finish? seems he just runs out of steam every time and just stops, thought wokring out was meant to give u good stamina
so the girls just left, and pretty sure part of the deal was to look after the cats, are they gone for good or just the night? how long until masha and sam are back? i know the cats dont eat much but still need some feeding and water. hopefully all will be okay