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Everything posted by franklin

  1. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 It comes from years of dedicated practise. Sorry, not practise, what's the word?... Drinking. Yep, that's it.
  2. Belle - Je n'aurais pas pu mieux l'exprimer! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
  3. I think reason 3 may be the most probable answer. Here is the announcement posted on lifeundercam.com... Due to local government restrictions, we were forced to temporarily stop broadcasting. We will resume work soon. For all of our subscribers, the term of membership will be extended by the number of days, twice as long as the lack of broadcast time.
  4. It may depend on where the VH servers are based. If they are already in Russia, nothing will change.
  5. I think we may have our answer: This is the announcement on Lifeundercam.com: Due to local government restrictions, we were forced to temporarily stop broadcasting. We will resume work soon. For all of our subscribers, the term of membership will be extended by the number of days, twice as long as the lack of broadcast time.
  6. Thanks for this - it gives the probable answer to RLC's decision: "Due to local government restrictions, we were forced to temporarily stop broadcasting. We will resume work soon. For all of our subscribers, the term of membership will be extended by the number of days, twice as long as the lack of broadcast time."
  7. The main impact is that by November all internet service providers based in Russia must have disconnected from foreign servers and switched to servers based exclusively in Russia. Apparently, this is part of Putin's plan to isolate and protect the Russian internet from any attempt by western powers to pull the plug. It'll take a long time for providers to switch servers so RLC could be starting now. As far as I'm aware RLC have not issued any information other than their new pricing plans, so anything else said about what has happened is pure speculation.
  8. Nothing has been announced other than the new pricing plans and a message to those who've been upgraded. As usual, there's been a lot of jumping to conclusions! It's now a case of sit-and-wait to see what will happen next. I'm going to give it a couple of days for RLC to get their act together. To my mind there are a few possibilities: 1) RLC have screwed us over and the missing apartments will not return, 2) RLC use cloud servers so it takes time to populate the whole network, 3) It's something to do with the pending Russian Internet Law (due to be enacted from November) which means all service providers based there must disconnect from foreign servers and only use Russian ones. 4) there's a complete overhaul of Russian apartments to improve the service. Anyone's guess at the moment unless someone's contacted RLC support and managed to get the full story. From what I've read, RLC are just not very good at keeping members informed.
  9. I agree. No point in jumping to conclusions so I'm sitting back for the next couple of days to see what happens. One thing did cross my mind though - Russia's new internet law is soon to come into force. As only the Russian apartments are still offline, I wonder if RLC is preparing to find some way around it? That said, I did find out that RLC uses Virtual Internet (UK) to host their services, probably using cloud servers. That's one hell of a network to reconfigure when changes are made and could take quite a while.
  10. Ah, yes - the unkindest cut of all. Or, in Mr B's case after his shameful behaviour this evening - the kindest.
  11. E&S is one of my top three apartments too. However, how about just taking a step back and waiting for 24-48 hours to see whether or not RLC brings the missing apartments back online? I'll be one of the first to cancel and demand a refund if they don't, but I'm not going to jump to any conclusions yet.
  12. Looking back on Replay to when the servers came back online, American Woman and Hakeem were in the middle of an argument. The audio was drowned out a lot of the time but it seemed to be about his attitude towards gays. AW was getting very annoyed with H especially when he tried to shift the blame onto her - that really pissed her off. Cutting a long story short, H then showed what a complete bastard he could be when he launched into several attempts at fingering AW. She was not prepared to do anything other than kiss and cuddle and her words, "stop", please stop", "I don't want to", "no, no" fell on deaf ears. She was also trying hard to turn her head away, keep her legs together and pull his hand out of her crack, but H pushed his way between, holding her free arm behind her head so she couldn't stop him. Towards the end (and as the song goes), there were moments of "blurred lines" where it was hard to tell if her pleas of "please stop" and "no" were serious or playful. Anyway, it made for unpleasant watching. AW eventually left, still not happy and visibly conflicted with H. H's level of cuntery this evening - master. One final twist - AW realised that she'd lost something on the couch and went back into the LR to find it. She never found whatever it was, nor did H. The question is who will find it first, Mr Boombastic or Asia?
  13. Probably right on the button, my friend. I looked up RLC's server links when it first went down and it's hosted by Virtual Internet (UK) that offer cloud based servers. RLC probably made the changes to their membership options and pricing, then had to feed it out gradually. It may also explain why many apartments have not reappeared yet.
  14. ...and she was one unhappy lady. This is now the second of Mr B's lovers that he's pissed off in some way. TV was too loud to hear what she said to him clearly but the body language shouted "Just leave me alone".
  15. Something's not quite right. She turned him down earlier, and when he fingered her, she was asking him to stop. I'm not sure if Mr B is aware of the time either. Asia normally returns for work soon after midnight, so he's only got 45 minutes to do whatever he has planned and get the apartment back to normal.
  16. A&H back up just in time to see American Woman in the living room - before or after action, nobody knows.... EDIT: Before! 😋 But it looks like she's pissed off with Mr. B for some reason. No sex for him tonight?
  17. Holy shit! Back up with a new message about changes to membership! Apparently I've been upgraded to Premium + Replay, a new combined membership, and an extension of over a month. Loads of apartments missing now though - hopefully they'll be back soon.
  18. It means that the RLC servers are not responding to requests to connect. Your computer sent a digital signal to the server but got no reply. Everyone is affected at the moment. Japanese Blowjobs... that sounds interesting 😎
  19. Got it in one 😊 Reallifecam.com - Is Reallifecam Down Right Now? WWW.ISITDOWNRIGHTNOW.COM Reallifecam down? Check whether Reallifecam.com server is down right now or having outage problems for everyone or just for you.
  20. RLC servers are down according to Reallifecam.com - Is Reallifecam Down Right Now? WWW.ISITDOWNRIGHTNOW.COM Reallifecam down? Check whether Reallifecam.com server is down right now or having outage problems for everyone or just for you.
  21. No worries. It's probably just another Kremlin plot to undermine western democracy. Or the server's buggered. One of the two.
  22. 502 Bad Gateway so server is not responding. Just checked with https://www.isitdownrightnow.com/ and the entire site is down worldwide.
  23. I'd really like to agree with you but then we'd both be wrong. I'll call your misunderstanding and raise you my Masters in Biological Science. If your reasoning was correct then sleeping in the same room as another human (who would emit thousands of times as much carbon dioxide than any plant at night) would be fatal. Type "should I remove plants from a room at night?" into Google and let us know how many pages you find that confirm your belief.
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