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Everything posted by franklin

  1. What makes this so strange is that E&S are still so pleasant to each other - smling, laughing, light kisses and cuddles, enjoying a cigarette together, and never a raised voice or obvious argument. Last night, when Eva was preparing a bed in the LR, I'm sure that Sam thought Christmas had come early. He made his move - and got cock-blocked again. I'll ask again - can anyone with Russian language skills help us to understand what's going on? This apartment used to be one of my favourites, certainly in my top three for entertainment value. Not any more.
  2. 48 hours and counting... My prediction for what will happen when Hakeem finally gets back to the apartment:
  3. Another Jewel night. Catering for all your "watching an awesome bodied young lady bathe" needs. 😁
  4. Who is Chris going to play "Mr Floppy tries to hide his helmet" with tonight?
  5. According to Replay, Wednesday the 29th May at 9.30 am Another change of clothes - she's got a sexy new look this evening! 6.45pm, dressed to party and she's just left the apartment.
  6. Hakeem still AWOL. Asia back again and seems to be settled and happy, so he must have given her one hell of a plausible excuse. Unusually, Asia's just spent a lot more time on her make-up than before and she's sitting around in bra and short, tight skirt. Has she something planned? Is it her turn to shine? Or is it just for Mr Boombastic Lover Lover when / if he gets home this evening?
  7. I'd like to see that on a Microsoft expenses sheet... Shagging hookers x3 - CZK 21,000 Energy drink - CZK 50 🤣
  8. Natural causes. Eric was really upset and cried his eyes out.
  9. Delete cache and cookies in your browser then use CCleaner to remove any flash cookies that RLC have placed. Reboot your machine and the free cams should be back in action for the time allowed. If that fails, RLC may be logging your IP address - do the same again but also switch off your router for a minute then reboot - that will give you a fresh IP address.
  10. I wonder if A&H know that a rabbit died in the LR?
  11. Mr. Lover Lover is still AWOL. This is the longest he's left Asia on her own, and she's now gone out again.
  12. All the Replay cam recordings for the 29th May have been removed - is this anything to do with arrival of the Creature from the Black Lagoon?
  13. This has been discussed at length and the general opinion is pretty much that - the scenario has been set up by RLC to see what happens. Whatever anyone, including me, thinks, it's been hugely successful. This could be the most watched and talked about apartment ever. RLC have already seen the potential for increased revenue from the massive interest by switching all the cams to premium only. I understand why people get so hot under the collar about this but let's face it, RLC is an adult entertainment business and businesses exist to make profit. And like any other business, if their revenue falls for any reason, they'll set up something else to bring in new customers. If anyone is being exploited it's us. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
  14. You may well be right - they don't communicate much at the best of times. By the way, I meant three day break from work, not a break from picking up girls! 🤣
  15. Over 24 hours and still no Hakeem. At the very least, Asia is going to want to know where he's been for so long so their conversation when he gets back will be a "must hear". The only annoying thing is when the music or TV is too loud - enhancing the audio still can't make their voices clear enough to follow. Anyway, H wll be on his three-day break from today. More time for the lothario to do more lothario-ing - provided Asia keeps to her schedule 😁 A thought - Asia's work clothes (always white and black) and her hours seem to fit with someone working in hospitality - waitress, barmaid, hotel worker? It would also fit the low grade position she said she was in when A&H discussed her boss saying that her and her colleagues pay was to be reduced.
  16. Sorry, my friend, I know as much as you do. Whenever I've listened in on their conversations, Asia never seems to discuss her friends or what she does in her spare time.
  17. Looks like Ulyana is planning some spectacular love action for Marat this evening. Nice cosplay!!!
  18. On Replay - I've just noticed that just before American woman returned from the toilet and they had sex, Hakeem came back from the BR with two condoms. One he threw on the table and the other he hid between the sofa seat cushion and armrest. He used the one on the table, but appears to have forgotten about the one he hid. If Asia finds this when she tidies up I wonder what her reaction will be.
  19. Sam seems to be able to have Eva bring girls home for him to have sex with, yet Eva - just as sexual and adventurous - does not appear to given the same option. She's had enough of Baldy, for now anyway. Is Eva playing a clever game? By cock-blocking Sam, he'll have to surrender eventually and allow Eva her choice of man for her pleasure. She did this once when Sam was away and it went very well for her.
  20. Nothing new or revealing on the audio track of last night's shenanigans with "American woman".. She complained twice that she wouldn't get to see Hakeem again until Wednesday, and she did give clues that tonight's date was time-limited. When she arrived she said that she'd planned to get to the apartment on time but things hadn't worked out, and towards the end of the date she glanced at her phone and exclaimed "Oh!", then immediately started to get her stuff together to leave without Haakeem having to say anything. Just before she left, Hakeem asked what she was going to do now and she said she'd probably go clubbing "because it's what you do on a Saturday night". To me, Hakeem didn't seem engaged in the date or interested in the woman - he showed more attention to Comedy Central. It even looked like Hakeem just wanted to get the sex over with in a hurry and settle back down to watch TV. - he did what he was expected to do and that was the end. She tried at least twice to get Hakeem aroused again but got no response. On a side note - when she put the light on in the bathroom and the cam switched to colour, her sunburn was savage - "white people's issue", she said. 😁 I would also add that for a plus-size woman she has incredibly perky and well-shaped tits. I hope Wednesday's meeting is in the apartment just so they can be revealed in all their glory once again.
  21. I think Hell will freeze over before we see Asia openly bate! 🤣
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