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Everything posted by franklin

  1. Although this would be a really good option, I can't see an end to the current status yet. The most predictable outcome will be that Asia forgives Mr B for fuck-knows-what and the whole stupid scenario goes round in another circle. If there is a breakup, then RLC will most certainly keep Mr B on the books. Asia will be of zero interest living there on her own - she's just too ordinary and unadventurous, so she'll be out. But Mr B.... it was his antics that got this apartment switched over to fully "members only" in the first place. Without Asia in the frame, Mr B will have free reign to work his magic on as many guests as he sees fit. It'll pull in more interested viewers and RLC will get a few more paying customers. So, my prediction is that it will be Asia out, Mr B in, and the apartment gets switched to the "Singles" section. Probably where it should have been all along, really.
  2. Looks like the apartment has been abandoned. No "on vacation" tag either. RLC needs a new tag for this apartment - "throwing a tantrum"
  3. Just watched this morning's action on Replay. That guy eventually got rewarded for his persistence at getting inside Masha's pants. She had a bit of fun cock-teasing him in the LR, when he tried to get her pants off and she kept pulling them up again. I don't think Masha was too impressed with his performance though. He seemed to have a bit of difficulty getting it up until Masha gave him a blow job, then lover-boy's dick had to be kept awake with a serious beating while he went down on Masha's love-button. I'm sure Masha said "Oh no" with a disappointed look on her face a couple of times when she realised that Mr Floppy had paid a visit. I wonder if he'll be invited back for a re-run?
  4. Well, fuck me backwards with a toilet brush! At long last, it looks as if Asia has had enough of Mr B being a complete cunt. She'd been in bad mood all morning and Mr B wouldn't speak to her, so she packed a large overnight bag with clothes and cosmetics. After a brief session of crying her eyes out in the bedroom, a bit more bag-packing and a fruitless goodbye to Mr B (which he didn't respond to), she walked out of the apartment at 12.36 pm. There's little doubt she'll be back, of course - still a load of her stuff in the apartment - and all it will take is an insincere "forgive me" from Mr B and she'll be back for a compensatory missionary shag and the cycle will begin again. How many seconds before Mr B exploits Asia's absence, I wonder?
  5. Let's call this one American Blonde. She had him worked out from the start. She found one of Asia's long hairs on the couch and Mr B failed to bluff his way out. From that point on there was no way she was going to let him get inside her pants. When Mr B gave up and went out of the LR she had a quick look in a couple of the kitchen cabinets and drawers. In the bathroom she spotted Asia's cosmetic collection - a look crossed her face that said it all. I'd be very surprised if we ever see her back again.
  6. About the same in length but not as thick. Dick was also much more skilled in the use of his cock than this guy. Masha has to finish herself off or encourage her boy to go in a second time. Not what she's used to.
  7. Masha is speaking a lot in Italian during sex. Anyone translate?
  8. And Mr B turns up just before 9pm. Is all forgiven by Asia? Of course it fucking is... ๐Ÿ˜  She'll get the missionary shagging she's been waiting for then it'll all be over.
  9. The scenario becomes even more tragic. Birthday cake and gifts lovingly prepared and waiting on the romantically decorated table, with Asia sitting on her own and flicking through birthday themed songs on the TV. But where is the birthday boy?
  10. Cam 7 still fucked up - dropping out during live and stalling on replay.
  11. Both Asia and Mr B looking miserable today - him in the living room and her in the bedroom. No more than 10 metres apart yet it might as well be a million. Asia may have at last realised that romantic balloons don't mend a relationship that never was.
  12. There is only one plausible explanation for the lack of action - he's on his period.
  13. She caught him out a few weeks ago after finding Asia's cosmetics and hair brush in the bathroom, then locking Mr B in the balcony room and threatening to search the apartment ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ You're right, though - it must be love because he's fed, watered and entertained her for over two hours, fully clothed and without a single fingering.
  14. Early start for Mr B today - American Woman arrives for her routine shagging just after 11am, and she's brought him a gift. He's too busy cooking to pay her much attention yet, though
  15. It was in a long conversation with a Nigerian friend - lots of talk in Yoruba and English - about work and women, so probably correct. In the same conversation he said he can do what he likes, whenever he likes, so he's definitely using the situation to his advantage.
  16. Asia looks more lonely and despondent than ever this morning. In a phone conversation with a friend a few months ago, Mr B confirmed that she already had "mental and emotional issues", and this whole apartment / alleged-relationship set up is doing nothing to help. Does she even have a job any more, or is she surviving on the RLC handout?
  17. What is it with these young girl models and their obsession with lip filler? Why on earth do they think it improves their appearance in the slightest, or makes them more desirable? I took this screenshot of Angelina in the shower this morning to illustrate my point. Fucking hideous.
  18. By Asia and Mr B's usual standards that was a party. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ BTW there was no '2' so Mr B must be 8 years old. I think I've solved it though - in the 9 months they've been together they've shagged 14 times, Asia only enjoying it 8 times.
  19. Asia seems to be preparing for a party - she's blown up silver foil balloons that give the year 1984, plus a few heart-shaped balloons that she's written messages on with a Sharpie. However, I don't think she's quite worked out that the balloons need filling with helium for the best effect, and she's trying to stand them up on their own. ๐Ÿ˜‚ If it's Mr B's birthday that would make him 35.
  20. Unlike the conspiracy theorists here, I've done a proper and thorough investigation to establish the true facts. It seems that NASA (specifically their Area 51 division) needed a small and discrete location in which to construct a film set. The set is to be the faked interior of a Life Support Habitat on the surface of Mars. The USA are collaborating with Russia on the project and so to throw people off the scent they are filming in Italy. Of course, this needs to kept secret before the faked Mars landing takes place in 2025. Masha, Eva and her new BF have been a sleeper cell for the NASA project all along - it just so happens that their mission was activated a couple of days ago, the cameras being shut off to allow the construction and filming of the fake Mars Habitat to be hidden from public view. Once filming is complete, the apartment's cameras will come back into service and it will appear that everything is back to normal, or RLC (Real Landing Confidence-trick) will have taken the opportunity to move or install new cameras. A very clever move. No-one will be any the wiser about the actual events that took place. You see - if you take time to consider the situation instead of coming up with stupid conspiracy theories within minutes of something unusual happening, you'll get to the truth much sooner.
  21. No. On her first visit months ago she paid Mr B for his services, but she now seems to be a regular booty call, along with Camo Girl (although he might still be paying her).
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