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Posts posted by Moosecini

  1. 6 minutes ago, Adalbert said:
    Sure I can read but I'm sorry the only thing I'm going to say is that the situation she's in isn't funny. The rest is too private

    Granted, what she's going through isn't funny.  As for privacy... as much as it's uncomfortable to watch, it's part of the lives in that apartment, RLC participants or otherwise.  No different than any other unfortunate incident, like Smith beating on Kitty.  We'd rather not see that, and I'm sure we'd rather she would not have to suffer, but it is what it is.  The joke was about Alberto and the previous lunch comment, not specifically her.  Just trying to lighten it up a bit.

  2. Seriously, if Noldus is right, then they've been aware of the issue for a while and there may be only so much they can do about it.  I'm not versed in the medical services in Barcelona.  If she NEEDS the help right away, I at least hope she can get it.  I know some countries' medical "system" puts you into a long queue and you have no choice but to wait your turn, regardless.  I would hope Barcelona has a better system than that, so this could be a LONG day for her.

  3. Ok, now it looks like she's in a lot of pain and in tears!  What the hell is going on???  Yeah, holy shit she's in a lot of pain!  Anyone know what happened?  I'm guessing either lower back or lady-bits (UTI).  That much pain, that girl needs to go to the ER... or the Spanish equivalent of one.  😬

  4. Wish I had female "friends" like that where I could freely snuggle up, caress their leg, and fall asleep with my head nearly on her ass!  Wow, she's SUCH a good "friend".  WTF is going on here?  They haven't fooled around... at least not on camera, or this forum would have melted down the servers.  I would have gotten if she came over (or was asked to my Martina) to keep him company for such a long duration, but this seems to be a bit more than that.

  5. For anyone relatively new to ANY of the forums here, the sooner you come to grips that opinions and speculations have a high chance of a counter opinion, the better for you.  Further, an opinion is just that, and an opposing opinion is just as "valid" as it is NOT FACT.  That being said, you must also concede the fact that ANY of these forums are 90% opinion/speculation about what happens OFF camera with no way to validate, and 10% fact regarding what is witnessed ON camera, which in most cases, can be corroborated.  As for what's HEARD on camera... well, there are apparently very few who understand the Catalan, so if you do, AWESOME, if not we can only rely on those who claim they do, so it's your personal preference whether you believe said people or not.

    The big, honest picture is that we're all here to see a hot ass girl naked and getting nasty.  I think the reason more people may feign feelings for Martina may be because she and Alberto are more like a "soap opera" than other girls who are probably just strippers on vacation.  She appears to be trying to better herself and sure, that's going to be a bit more "boring" than the girls who constantly bate, suntan nude and bang anything on two feet.  I'm guilty of developing a specific attraction to her, so I'm certainly not on any high ground.  However, where it comes to the "discussions" here, it would be excellent if everyone would remind themselves that it's all COMPLETELY out of our control and MOSTLY unknown/unseen.  RLC shows us their "life" AT HOME, but they're not required to spend their lives there, so let it go.

    If there's anything we, as subscribers and supporters of the business, should be bitching about is the quality and relevancy of the cameras, and when something of interest DOES happen on camera at any of the sites, that we are able to clearly see what's going on.  That's their mandate.  The participants also need to FOLLOW THE RULES.  The increasing tendency of hiding in corners and blind spots, and blinding the crappy cameras with clever lighting tricks needs to stop.  That, by definition, rips us off.

    Ok, I've said my peace... let me have it! 🤣

    Oh, one last thing... if you don't like a specific girl/couple, then DON'T WATCH THAT ONE/THEM.  Plenty of others to choose from.  What's the point of bitching about how you hate one of them?  Watch someone else!  Quite a few I don't like, and therefore, don't watch and don't comment on them.  Waste of time, says I.

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  6. 9 hours ago, chuck206 said:

    Kinda surprised that no one mentioned Martina's alone time with her vibrator at 11:10. It was under the blanket. It looked like she enjoyed herself. No Alberto ..... that made it enjoyable for me. 😃

    Would have been WAY more enjoyable if it wasn't under the covers!

  7. 3 minutes ago, JYBRD said:

    They took it out on the balcony. Couldnt see very well what they were doing. Why did they bother to put a cam out there anyway.

    Yeah... the lack of lighting out there is a joke.  Although, there are an increasing number of those on RLC who have figured out how to blind the cameras with point lighting, or using blind spots.  Should be against the rules and not allowed.  It's been a point of contention here for a while now.

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