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Posts posted by Moosecini

  1. 4 hours ago, Pete1960 said:

    Then why did you make the stupid comment in the first place 🤔

    A thousand pardons, my liege!  I was under the impression that this forum was the mecca for stupid comments, therefore I thought I was fitting right in.  I shall duct tape mittens to my hands so that I can no longer drag this Olympic compendium of knowledge down into the bowels of stupidity.  Good day to you.

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  2. 1 hour ago, chuck206 said:

    Martina had a clean cheek below the right eye at 21:00. She went into the hall bathroom, spending some time in front of the mirror. At 21:13, Martina came out of the hall bathroom and had a blemish on her cheek below the right eye.  Maybe tried to pop a pimple? 

    No.  I saw that hours ago.  It's definitely a wound.  WAAAY too big for acne.

  3. Just now, yelt said:

    Understood!! Enjoy her return! Since I do not have a subscription, please document in the forum (no speculations just the facts) and let us all know should there be anything of interest that occurs upon her return. Perhaps it will increase the low viewership for RLC. 


    Been here a while and have nearly as many posts under my belt as you (but not quite).  That's in no way a negative statement towards you, Yelt, in any way, just to say I'm not a newbie.  I only post what I see and don't speculate.  I agree that everything off cam is pure speculation, but I also refuse to dive into the sea of arguments that stem from peoples guessing and conjecture, which tend to comprise the vast majority of this forum most days.  Ask me, if anyone sees something controversial on cam, they should screen-shot it and post with their report for proof.  Old saying... no pic, no proof.  Without that, I don't bother paying attention.  My 2 cents.

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  4. Just now, yelt said:

    No disrespect but why is there a concern, as long as she is safe, learning more about life and maturing. But if you really need to know, ask Alberto. 

    No concern whatsoever Yelt, and I agree there shouldn't be any.  I just miss seeing her.  It's a weakness... I'm fully aware.  😉

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  5. 15 hours ago, chuck206 said:

    From what I have observed ...... the orange fish and the blue fish are a couple / FWBs. BUT....late at night, while the blue fish sleeps, the orange fish is hanging out with the multicolored fish, swimming seductively, shaking her fin provocatively. This could get interesting. Oh No!, the fish are pulling out the Bingo cards. UGH!  

    That's some funny shit right there!  Well done Chuck.  Nice distraction from all of the bickering.

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