So Maybe I have been a way from Irens and Beatrice's apt for while and missed a few things, but when did the bi-sexual guy show up and why is sniffing like a vacuum cleaner while riding a 9 inch dick???
Привет Зак, я в порядке, спасибо. Мне очень нравится наблюдать за тобой и Китти. Я думаю, что Кити супер горячий,
и моя жена "Джевелз" думает, что вы тоже очень горячий. Мы просто надеемся, что вы не плохой человек, как некоторые
сообщения на этом форуме заставляют нас поверить
Also, I am using google translate to type this, I hope it does not come out looking like I am retarded, lol.
Ok, I feel stupid now. I just looked back thru newer post and saw all i wanted and more, lol. Guess I should check posts before commenting, lol. Sorry for the stupidity!
Oh that's easy, it where her Russian mafia pimp got into a fire fight with police and then he threw a frag grenade at them but it bounced and flew back towards them and 3 pieces of shrapnel hit her in the belly.
Lol, yeah that looks like the bottles. If thats whats keeping them go at it like that for such a long time and causing these 2 ladies to be so sensual like they are on X , I want some, lol. ...( "thinks to self,...... read bottle, google translate, amazon!!!! lol" )
I dont really either, but dang!!!! that much fun would have killed me or made me dry out like saltine crackers, lol. So basically, yeah, im curious, lol.
Just curious, does anyone know what is the stuff they have been sniffing from the black bottles and whats the tiny white things they have been eating all night? Cuz if it can make me go all night like these guys, I need some!!!!!