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Everything posted by Lalaland

  1. so girls the luminary of the ......... Well, you both watch videos (Video Content No Longer Available)
  2. haa à cause de là la bénédiction de la maison est fausse elle ne sourit que si elle pense qu'il est bientôt parti car elle se comporte est toujours en train de mépriser constamment cela comme si elle était "triste" et pourtant elle grimace comme un cheval de gateau-gâteau, Elle fait comme si c'était sa faute, prétendant qu'elle pleurait, mais ne le laisse pas partir, et cela l'amuse en la rendant si fausse)
  3. how would it be with a website where the video link is used and this then presents a link where then a video as mp4 then download that should then all Malware and Co out filter? ps in the video itself can also be pests and the same
  4. I would have liked to hear how she sings and what she sings, because who knows, knows that in Russia the German in the pronunciation does not go well, there is just like the Chinese who can not do the L
  5. Let's face it, lying on the bed with her ass dancing and her braided hair on it, anyone could think she's home for 15 years alone and wuschig like a whole girls monastery school, now whites all that it's different
  6. que feras t elle aujourdh ui je l ai vu ce matin au lit paul faisait chambre a part quel derriere magnifique elle a que du bonheur !! I think there will be some pages on the internet where that can be seen
  7. ahhhhhh there is the English humor again not all in the world understand
  8. hmm I would guess that on the one hand his leisure business / hobby goes (the electronics / repair of board "cell phone or small PC's") (note the oscilloscope + Microscope) so and point two guess he reads here?
  9. "Pepe cartoon" HHHHäääääääääääääää? I guess she looked at pictures of naked men or women, or she was in a chat yesterday, because somehow it seems to me as if she had waved to who was with her yesterday
  10. She's in the bedroom right now and has just made herself
  11. Ich habe noch etwas, ich frage mich nur zwei Fragen ....... Nein, ich frage die Frage nicht Ich hoffe das es ok (Video Content No Longer Available) Es gibt 2 Videos, Wohnzimmer und Gästezimmer 1 Woche Entschuldigung für mein schlechtes Englisch, aber wie heißt der Hund? Ich frage das, weil mein Russisch noch bescheidener ist.
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