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Everything posted by ektomo

  1. Haha. You know, I'm a simple guy - Asia giving a blowjob on camera would be a nice prize.
  2. Very much so. Real life, man. You can't beat it. 👍
  3. Part of Asia's allure is that she seems like a normal everyday person which is exactly the right kind of fit for a voyeuristic site. She may have signed to be part of a couple but other than that it's pretty normal -There's no showmanship, poses, masturbating for the camera, or events that seems to be created whole cloth (there may be but it doesn't look like it at a glance). None of the things they do individually or together has that element of staging (even if there really is) so we get all the frustrations of real life - his terrible connection with her, betrayal of trust, passionless sex, her inexperience and so on. I'm guessing these are the elements that is drawing people in whether consciously or sub-consciously. Possibly why it seems to be popular despite it being in a state of comatose because even if nothing happens, people have that little hope that it might. And if does - it just might be that certain something. Because if something happens here, like say, her masturbating - it just might be genuine instead of it being an action compelled by the need to survive in RLC.
  4. Asia's home. So if there's going to be any activity, it will be a tedious lethargic one.
  5. Someone get out the franklin signal, Asia's shaving. Right now.
  6. He's in the bathroom with Karina now. This guy.
  7. Doesn't Amalia have a boyfriend? Or am I mistaken?
  8. What? He scooted off to Amira's room just when the going was good? This guy's betting a little too liberally.
  9. Yup. It's the dad bod, I tells ya. All those with similar structure - rejoice!
  10. Dad bod guy to the rescue. This is like roulette.
  11. Yeah. He's playing some weird poker where he just might go bust.
  12. You need to give us some lottery numbers, man.
  13. Amalia definitely cock-blocked him. She swooped in as soon as he vacated his spot on the couch to get another drink.
  14. Intonation so creative that it can make you SCALE the wall? 😃
  15. Wait...Porn is illegal in Russia?... Russia? Seriously? They make a the hardest stuff...like vodka. I still can't get over it.
  16. Ooh. franklin, you were right about the Kremlin buggering. You're, without a doubt, a grand master of a soothsayer.
  17. Where is this stated? On the site? I can't seem to find it...
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