Is the way now free for Christy?
new twitter message:
VoyeurVilla @voyeur_villa
Extrimly sad news bad boys. Charlie has left the building((((study issues) Petra will be back soon.
It´s unbelievable, but it happened :
New lights in the bathroom with really improved cam quality. Now it´s a pleasure to watch, the content must follow...
This is what I said yesterday:
Christy has clear tendencies to Tver, but 6 people are too much.
So Voro will disappear and there will be Tver I+II.
VV might be fed up with the love stories and the difficulties. So Petra will erect Tver II and some guys will come. Christy had to stop with Ivo and follow the new concept. This sounds resonable for VV, but the personal approach of Voro will be lost. Mabe Tver has attracted more viewers but I doubt that Tver attracted more subscribers. Look to the numbers of posts in CC.....
For sure, one Ivo will not be enough, especially while sharing him with Anna and Petra....
But two guys would be good, one for the day and one for the night... good for all timezones ;)
Snaky, you are mostly right, but this time not. Later she was kissing him a 2nd time, kneeing on her armchair and bending over to him being sitting on the couch. He had a short look to the showerroom door where Anna was and was falling down along on the couch and shaking his head and shaking his arms. Just like to say: What development, this may become difficult.
But we will see how the things will go on.
CC was fully down, not only your link. VV management seems to be fully down also, all the response I got to my requests to solve people issue and repair of the doors was : we are working on it....
Yes, it seems that the days of Sonia are numbered, Ivo has a new playmate.....
VV is not even a 2nd key investing in Voronezh despite the damaged doors and glass, so Christy has no chance to enter the flat while the prick is taking a deep nap. To be on safe side he has the cover over the head...
Good average for Messa, 10 minutes. She did not allow to go fully deep inside.
But interesting, her visit to Tver and her solo playing yesterday made him much more interested in her than the days before.