It looks quite good for new birdies, Roma and Mark were carefully cleaning under the shower, fully dressed up and have left exactly at 1 PM (unusual early for them) and both were in good mood, almost swinging.
It looks for interesting party tonight!
Lilu left home
I think she will in the next 48 hours
How long Roma will need for recovering? Less than 24 hours. Late tonight or tomorrow morning...
Anyhow, it is astonishing how long Lilu can survive without sex. Only once a month? Good Russian girl with a lot of patience without crying about....
To switch to the full screen is no problem, to switch back to normal size sometimes there is only a part of the full screen in the video window Then I need browser refresh.
more inconvenient for me is the switch to "mute" only over full screen and the lack of sound volume adjustment.
Thanks, sounds good. far away...
The name for bedroom 1 "Birdies are on the way" sounds also very good.
Besides some "smaller" cam problems only one "issue" to solve. But it seems big issue..
Is Lilu already moving with her clothes to new bedroom?
I hope you are right, he can't leave soon enough for me.
The sooner, the better. Agreed.
But besides new guy we need also new cam5 in order for such opportunities:
Mark doesn´t have so much to pack, it will be quickier...
The next farewell party will be after introduction of a new guy. There was already an attempt, maybe you remember, but this guy had a very bad start by vomitting onto the couch.
I am very confident for his leaving soon, but maybe first he will be punished by listening the screaming of Lilu from the bedroom with Roma. YEAH!
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Sabina, it is time to say good bye. Farewell party can come to an end to make space for a real party....
You should thank God that he protected you from falling down of the curtain.
She is not only shy but also hates the viewers. This was farewell party 100 % behind curtain. This time Roma did not try to improve, maybe he had to promise. But now he is owing us compensation....
Her definite leaving is coming and this was her gift, just cheating us. But it is last one, I do not want her to return.
added: We need a 2nd cam in the bathroom, on both sides of the curtain...
It will be surprise for me, if Lilu will have again sex with whomever. I don´t know how she can live in this surrounding now for about one month and had sex only one night (or two). While sleeping her hands are always visible...
To summarize, all the girls have left except Lilu. Sabina yesterday just exactly after installation of the new cams at about 5 PM their time. The two guest girls have left today/yesterday as Mark didn´t show anymore interest on them.
So Mark doesn´t meet the objectives, to entertain together with a girl for 3 times. He has simply to leave as consequence. I give him 2 or 3 days.
This long because somebody new must arrive to be not so empty in the flat and - Roma and Lilu cannot fuck 3 days without interrupt.
But it will be rather boring time.. :(
It look like Sabina left as they took her name off the site. And I'm glad she is gone. Maybe now Lilu will fuck Roma again and they get different girls that will have sex.
You are right. The name Sabina is gone... I did´nt really notice, was more concentrated on that they have put "Lilu" just in the middle between Roma and Mark.....
If not a threesome, the other girl with the pretty tits has a one time chance tonight.
Might become interesting tonight...
The start was good, but obviously just one itchy moment.
But we have to say that the cam quality has improved. YOu can directly compare kitchen cam 7 (old) and 8 (new)
It seems to me, Dasha has left.
She a talk with Mark on the balcony, rather quietly, more sadly, wwent straight for dressing up, put her big T-shirt which was given by Mark very carefully to the towels.
Then took her bag and left. Roma and Mark accompanied her downstairs and came up 3 minutes later alone.
And the other girl with the nice big bumps is phoning already since one hour very sadly.... will be next to leave.
You do not need to mention the name who is guilty for this.
Thanks for confirming, it was our assumption that they are Bulgarian and obviously they are living in Czech or Slovak Republic. We could watch several times plastic bags with Czech descriptions. If you will watch them longer you will notice that they are quarreling almost fighting quite often. Maybe you can help us to understand the reasons for that. thanks
did you catch her in the shower today? I was too late
Me, too. When I noticed that the system is up, she just left the bathtub and put on panties rather quickly. I think she used the time for showering before they started the broadcast.
..will result in another dead spot at the wardrobe...
move the cam 1m to the right (from viewer´s point) and you would have the entrance. Additionally the TV and loudspeakers would not cry directly into the mic of the cam. And a bit lower please..
Best would be cams with motor : up down left right... zoom