not everybody likes these bird view cams, like you. It was a haaaaaard job to train VV to refrain from. But a 3rd cam in reasonable height like cam12 in Tver you do have my full support.
I agree with you but would like to modify a bit:
I wish there was a way to loose dump Lex but keep Iris. Without that handbrake I think she would let her freak side out a lot more and she has THE best body jerking orgasms besides Katya/Elly.
What we don´t know if Iris does need just Lex for her orgasm...
Thanks for coming down again. Sometimes it is better to think and to listen than to overreact in such an obvious case. Sorry Jackie, but you are not 18 anymore.
i know somebody who is celebrating since more than 10 years every year his 60th birthday....
Jackie had for sure her 10th anniversary of the 18th birthday...
Amy, you are good American but life is not so simple and US culture is not everywhere on the world and for sure not the only valid, proven, right or the best culture. it is just one thereof....
50 $ is RLC Premium and 40 $ VV (or 99 $ for 90 days)
Before the opening of Sofia they had offered to stay with the old payment plan for 20$ Premium and almost nobody trusted them. But it works fine for me...
Well, if your preferences are rough porn and full illumination (best with zoomed in close-ups) then the classical porn sites will be more convenient for you...and not VV or RLC
Finally, their status "merried" was acknowledged by VV and they can behave like a good long time merried couple: she in one room and he in the other - just in quiet and not disturbed.
Good luck!!
This link is just for Amy, in order to reconcile her with VV and as a proof there were today sexual actions in Tula and Sofia as well.
No reason to be any longer upset...!YNZ2wYBL!DkETi1tFlYbgqgP3BPWkIPISg_w3tjNp8ut8t_SSxcU
I did not expect today Bella´s activities, so I uploaded the start of the historical day in the VV history. Enjoy - or skip.....!4BJ2TTrD!IV3jaxu9iBJkqgJiymArTvZafb7GQxO8UtYvDT9cyCQ!ZYYDTb4D!Mq0t41wmM-cIm1FVbOMG_PYfbmB1hf1dm5siRSpl-RY