She seems to be out or also gone???
Currently I can only see David in the shower, before with laptop on the desk in Anna´s room, Nelly &Anna in the kitchen. Anna seems to be in rather good mood....
Is it a problem of language or did I miss something?
Around midnight Tim was fucking in the bedroom and Anna´s show in the LR... Where is the fake?
And Christy wasn´t that bad always:
Tim and tattoo girl fooled around a lot for almost an hour in the living room but no sex. Lots of dry humping but that's it. He tried but she said no multiple times.
No sex yet, this is the answer of VV claiming for too much sex, no affection, no caressing.... but this girl has something quite promising...
and she seem to like it or.. him
interesting: Anna has prepared breakfast or lunch and doesn´t seem to be angry to the new girl about the approach to Tim, maybe she is relieved....
Tim deserves a kick - namely out of the apartment.... He is treating Anna very bad, either he is playing the game there what he is hired for or he should leave.
Maybe the only one positive in the new Voro: the bath with good light, good angle and here with content:
For me first time Nelly showed her kitty...!RFon3AqD
Had the same problem for payment and solved it with VISA prepaid card. In Europe you can buy at gas stations etc, load by cash there and as name is printed on the card "My name". And it works well, at least for online payments.....
Nobody else noticed that the bathroom cam 6 was moved up? Now we do have a bird´s view....
Demid is extending his covering from the bedroom to the bathroom?