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Everything posted by AntEater

  1. If you want to deny that it was a lot busier than many other apartments, especially the ones that have been there almost as long as her, then maybe you’re also a nutter. After all “it’s takes one to know one” right?
  2. However you want to frame it the facts still stand that even after all this time her apartment was often top cam and her CC pages were always active no matter how many new participants RLC brought in. Even during lockdown when she couldn’t have people over and had a broken leg she still didn’t sit on the couch and watch tv all day, she kept hustling. Even now, she’s still hustling. She’s not even on RLC anymore but her CC page is more active than the apartments with 4+ participants in them. It’s active because she’s still working to keep the eyeballs on her, constantly posting and keeping the interest alive. This page and all the interest in her meltdown would have fizzled out by now if she wasn’t keeping her followers posted and excited for the next update.
  3. Apples and oranges. Hate to state the obvious here but this isn’t a job like other jobs. A regular job does not provide you with an apartment and require you to live there 24/7 to do the job. Some jobs (especially ones sending you overseas or out of town) might provide you with housing and other accommodations but even they don’t kick you out the minute you’re fired. They give you time/help to pack your stuff and make arrangements.
  4. Free? This is a job, nothing about this is free. Putting your whole life in front of the camera for the whole world to judge is anything but free. Keeping people engaged and coming back for 10yrs is no happy accident, it’s work. These people are working even when they’re sleeping. Nothing is free.
  5. Urgh so many less than smart people on this forum. I brought Leora up and she just copied and pasted my post. Also my post is not a diss at Leora it is a diss at the gnats that hang around her apartment all day and night for years on end. The same ones that are freaking out on here because they saw Leora’s name mentioned and are now losing their minds without any context at all. Not surprising. Simps are usually not very bright individuals.
  6. Oh no I said something you don’t want to hear about yourself so I must be a troll! Why can’t you stop watching her? It’s like you’re addicted to watching the car crash with all your free time. You just can’t look away and can’t stop talking about it all day and all night. She literally even told you she is depending on her followers (that would be you, her #1 follower) to get through this and continue on in the project. You enable her and yet you act concerned on here. Reminds me of those eco-warriors flying around the world with all the latest clothes and gadgets in hand preaching about how we’re destroying the environment. Hypocrites. Actions speak much louder than words.
  7. Lol no need genius, I’m not on a high horse claiming to be looking down on somebody, but continue making a fool of yourself and looking like a hypocrite. You can’t get enough of Masha.
  8. So are only non-whites considered immigrants to you? Cause almost ALL of Masha’s visitors and many of the participants in RLC are immigrants. Many in Spain don’t even speak the language, yet the fluent Italian speaking non-whites are the only immigrants that register as immigrants to you huh? 😂😂
  9. The hypocrisy in here is unreal. People following her every move AND going out of their way to follow her on social media saying this apartment is sad to look at and should be shut down 🤣 Get off your high horses or stop watching, nobody is forcing you to watch but yet you’re still here acting like you’re better than her. Spending hours of your free time (especially in the middle of the night) watching someone whom you claim is too disturbing to watch. Stop with the faux concern and outrage if you are watching her and following her every move on social media.
  10. It looks like they’ve been fighting a lot lately. Elli acts very bratty and gets upset at him over the dumbest thing. Don’t know how long they will last. I wonder if she pays him RLC money….he might be willing to put up with more of her shit if she does.
  11. You guys talk shit about Masha and act like you’re above it all yet you continue to watch her and know all the details about her life. The joke is on you. Masha is a great business woman. Most of the apartments that have been on RLC as long as she has barely have any engagement here on the forum (except for the crazies that keep up with Leora of course) but her name is always being mentioned and there’s always talk about her apartment. There is a method to her madness, she is constantly working and creating content to keep viewers engaged. Masha has always been a hyperactive expressive girl, she shouts, she screams, she laughs, she cries. She was the same when she was with Sasha. Nothing has changed. If Masha’s life was really out of control then her apartment wouldn’t be so clean, her cats wouldn’t be so happy and healthy and her plants sure as hell wouldn’t be thriving as they are now. Plants, especially indoor plants, are no accident, they require you to have your shit together. She’s not some random chic strung out on drugs like you guys are trying to make her seem, she’s an artist and hyperactive content creater competing in a very saturated market. Masha has more talent in her pinky than most of you combined. She speaks three languages fluently, she plays multiple instruments and is a great painter/artist. A lot of it mostly self-taught. Please give her the respect she deserves.
  12. Yes you did actually “genius” when you specifically declared “…those who subscribe, I bet, did not do so to watch gay people”. Seems you don’t even know what you say. Also I know you have no interest in B1, that is exactly my point, your interest is very clearly on the gay boys and Daytona even though you complain so much about it. You love it and you can’t stop watching or talking about it 🤣
  13. Sara said something about him visiting his friend, I could be wrong but it sounded like she’s more worried about Dayana fucking him than other randoms.
  14. Makes sense, the complaining does come off as performative since they could just ignore it and move on to the many other apartments instead.
  15. I might have misheard cause there was music playing but I think Massi is there til end of June so maybe he’s staying a little longer than Dayana. Sara is worried they’ll fuck.
  16. Speak for yourself, i enjoy watching all kinds of people. If you want to watch tall skinny straight female Russians only you have 20+ other apartments to switch to. Funny I don’t see you saying much over at B1 which has exactly what you want, instead you’re here…complaining sure, but you’re here….
  17. Massimo failing the impromptu FaceTime test.
  18. I can’t believe they left Daytona alone. She’s probably in the garage doing cartwheels.
  19. All these falls are really going to hurt in the morning
  20. Yh but then she just left with the other guy like everything was ok when her friend was still crying and freaking out. They just left that poor guy to deal with it. So chill.
  21. That was a bad fall! They should lay her facedown if they’re going to leave her like that. Also how is Sara just calmly having a conversation in the kitchen with the other guy while this goes on?
  22. What did he say that Sara told him to be quiet about? Vapes?
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