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Everything posted by AntEater

  1. Good question. I suspect they are but there are but you just don't hear about them because they're peaceful. If you're American and care about your country and you're not protesting over it, then you should be asking yourself that same question. Why are you not protesting over that?
  2. That makes sense but I remember there was a good long break between Julia + Eric and Hakeem so maybe they own this apartment or have some kind of long-term lease on it, idk. Im just desperately hanging on to the hope that RLC "accidentally" posted that Hakeem was on vacation til June 7th, even though it was clear he moved out, to give us some kind of hint as to when the new tenants will be moving in. It's just wishful thinking sadly.
  3. Tomorrow is June 7th, the day they randomly posted as the day Hakeem would be returning from vacation, let's see if RLC has something new and exciting in store for us.
  4. Yes or maybe even her own apartment 🙂 I like that Carla is doing the work that RLC is too lazy to do, find hot girls for the project.
  5. Yh definitely don't come to NY right now, it's a weird place right now. I think this will all die down when young unemployed people go back to work and stop getting their unemployment and extra $600 weekly to sit at home bored with nothing to do. People will soon be too busy working and hustling to care I think.
  6. So by explaining the movement to somebody I'm speaking on other peoples' behalf? No. That's just a desperate reach and in no way negates the fact that you have no idea how BLM protesters feel about the violence as a whole, not only because they are individuals with varying beliefs on how to bring about change but also because it is not something that has been jointly opposed. Yes, you'll find some individuals that are against it and some that are for it but to this day there has not been a unified move to denounce the violence. And why should there be? That would just be stupid and counter-productive from a strategic point of view. To think that you can distinguish between these two groups means that you think people are binary and can only fit in one box or another. To think that protesters are either BLM protesters or they're terrorists and not BLM protests is such a narrow simple way to view complex humans. There all kinds in the BLM movement and like it or not some are not against the means of violence to spread the message. And I can't be sure but I assume that some are like me, I'm not for it and would never incite it but I'm also not going to speak out against it or not look the other way. The results speak for themselves, it's not hurting the cause. I bet you were complelty against the use of violence by Honk Kong protesters too 😉 I know I wasn't. Funny how those violent protests were met with understanding and support and were only viewed as terrorist anarchists by China. Perception and unconscious bias.
  7. Anecdotal evidence gathered from some random articles by ABC, Palao Alto Online, 123newsnow and a couple people speaking out is what you use to support your conclusions for speaking on behalf of other people? Unbelievable. I too can find articles from random source stating the very opposite, but what would be the point? To prove that we can both navigate a search engine? Random media articles are not statistics and they are not fact. "It is important to note that those who participate in looting during the night rarely overlap with those who march peacefully as protestors during the day. Reporters on scene have made this clear." ----- How do you know this? And you know it very clearly too? How do you expect the reporters to have gathered this information exactly? Are they out there taking names and checking IDs to see who's protesting when? Did they make people take off their masks one by one so they could get a clear account of the night protesters and the day protesters? Do you have any statistics for this or just word of mouth? I'm not surprised you decided to take their word for it though. The French are known to throw a good hissy fit and peaceful protesting is not their thing. Yet when the French riot they are applauded. Their pain and actions are received with compassion and understanding. People respect them for having the balls to speak up. BLM protesters on the other hand are savages. Don't believe me? Go pull up articles on both and compare and contrast the top 20 comments, you'll find completely different sentiments to the same actions, the only difference is the people involved.
  8. They seemed pretty cool with each other just before they left b4. I must have missed something, why would Olivia give Ulyana a hard time about the b4 bathroom?
  9. She is not alone. I think RLC takes good care of her, but yes it would be nice to see a friend helping her out and keeping her company while she's injured.
  10. I do sometimes but then I tell myself that Masha is just bossy by nature. Hopefully we're wrong.
  11. Haha me neither, especially if she starts getting closer to Carla on that bed 😉
  12. Hahaha I thought this exact same thing but I figured since I couldn't understand them I was probably wrong. Good to get some confirmation that they don't know her very well.
  13. You have no idea how the BLM protesters feel about the rioting and looting as a whole unless you’ve intereviewd or polled them all and forgot to share your results with the world. But you’re happy and confident to speak on their collective behalf? Wow. As for it having nothing to do with the protesters message, again you are coming to a conclusion on something without sufficient information. As a hard scientist I’m sure you wouldn’t come to conclusions this quickly and state your theory as fact without conducting a proper study. So why do so for matters of social sciences? As for all this looting etc. being organized by nefarious organizations to push forward their own self interest, I actually completely agree with that. From the very start I could tell that all of this was way too organized to just be innocent protesting by the way it kept on picking up momentum and spreading like wildfire. Also by the way non-black were outnumbering the black people at the protests. It just didn’t feel natural. It was a very organized professional approach. But it has helped spread the message all around the world so I’m not complaining. After all bad publicity is still better than no publicity at all. Would I prefer for change to come through peaceful protest? Of course! But all the peaceful protesting has fallen on deaf ears while this is being heard loud and clear. People have been left no choice if they want to see real change. The charges that the officers are facing only got real serious once it was time to enforce curfews. How disgusting that that is what it took for the authorities to give a damn. So don’t tell me it’s pointless and not on brand when the results speak for themselves. The question I keep asking myself is why does this never happen in the UK, France, or other similar places?
  14. No you're missing the point. The point is all lives matter so don't forget black lives matter TOO. Society is making black people feel like they don't matter just as much as everybody else. You can refuse to justify their feelings as much as you want but they're letting you know that they won't take it sitting down no more. They feel how they feel and they're trying to make a change for the better. Instead of acknowledging that and listening to find out what you can do to help, you want to cry that you're not getting the same attention as well? Like a jealous sibling? Also why do you assume that these same advocates that are fighting for BLM don't also spend their time fighting for less black on black crime? They can do both you know. Or maybe because they're not out rioting and looting you can't hear their voices? Guess BLM should go tear up Chicago so you can hear them properly.
  15. Since you didn't mention "I know and work with many black men and women" I don't see why you think my reply to TBG is applicable to you. You have a completely different relationship to them than TBG and you did not use them as a means to justify why you are qualified to speak on behalf of "non-savage" black people. Even if you had, it would have been an equally laughable facepalm moment. Why? Read the NYT article. The fact that you think this is just one or two psychopathic behaviors by a couple of psychopaths tells me that you need to have a long hard talk with those black members of your family and their black history. Here just one or two more that died at the hands of "psychopaths". "...therefore justifying a destruction of law and order, is to work in service of those who seek the destruction of your very own liberties." Wake up! People are fighting for the justice and liberties they DONT have. You think they have it because you have it. They don't. That's what this is all about.
  16. Ah so the murderous cop and his crew are exempt from the savage label huh? He's just some asshole that should be fired (not even arrested lol!) cause you know he can't do his job properly. But the angry people lashing out with a good reason are just savages? You probably don't even realize it but even from your comment you can tell you have more compassion for the cops than the so-called-"savages". Also "I know and work with many black men and women." Hahahahahaha. No. Just no. It's 2020 man. Time to start listening more and talking on behalf of other people less. The ‘Some of My Best Friends Are Black’ Defense - The New York Times WWW.NYTIMES.COM It’s a myth that proximity to blackness immunizes white people from doing racist things.
  17. Do people really truly believe that this discussion thread would have been started and this conversation would have been had had people peacefully protested and not created chaos and disruption? Do people really think this conversation would be happening all around the world by people of all races had there been no chaos to force them to pay attention? "We know through painful experience that freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed." - MLK This is what demanding looks like and has always looked like throughout history.
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