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Posts posted by rado07

  1. 12 minutes ago, moules said:

    How long is the isolation period for Coronavirus? A person who is newly infected with Coronavirus will remain in an isolation facility for a period...

    How long is the isolation period for Coronavirus?

    A person who is newly infected with Coronavirus will remain in an isolation facility for a period not exceeding 10 days if the patient does not have any symptoms or has mild symptoms only.


    ^^^^  So Tweety may still be in Dubai in the luxury hotel, and if so, she probably never traveled to the Maldives.

    Well, hopefully after 10 days she was released from quarantine to fly home
    even the great luxury is of no use if you are locked in alone
    we have to wait

  2. 6 minutes ago, moules said:

    As they left the villa, they only took two suitcases.  Holly had her yellow one, and a backpack.  And Tweety had a  blue black one, which was only half full., and a small backpack.  I even made the comment on this forum that I doubted they were going for a week in Dubai and a week in the Maldives if that was all the clothes they were bringing.

    I suppose its possible that Holly bought another suitcase, similar in color to Tweety's, for the new clothes she bought or received as gifts.

    it is exactly like that
    But it's not Tweety's suitcase that's in the room

  3. 14 hours ago, ddhm said:

    too young and child for her

    Elvis bullies the white cat, she is quite intimidated.
    Masha says you shouldn't do that
    This shows that he is still quite childlike.

    I think how ddhm, when the pressure eases, we won't see him that much anymore. he's only there for sex.

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