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Posts posted by rado07

  1. if I heard correctly, there was an exchange of text messages with Holly beforehand
    So going to the villa in Barca is possible or considered, but there is a problem of space.
    There was talk of a room in the basement, but it is "someone's private property" or a mattress in front of the closet
    Let's see if the problem can be solved 🙄🤔

  2. 38 minutes ago, isidore57 said:

    Il va avoir son paiement en nature habituel plus tard ...!!!  😀

    they will reward each other ::)
    It's hard time for Masha right now
    now she needs someone to hug

    Masha also talks about her relationship with her Berlin friend
    In addition to his work on the video, he also has good advice for Masha
    They also talked about the use of various drugs and their effects on the body .....😱🥴😇
    ......it is important for Masha to regain physical health

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  3. 1 hour ago, ddhm said:

    of course Masha maybe doesn’t want ..

    you are right, I don't know Masha's attitude towards it
    But I see that when Masha speaks to her countrymen, there is laughter and a good mood
    it is different how with her guests who come from other cultures 🤷‍♂️

  4. After yesterday it is gratifying that Masha has plans for the future again and does not see everything so negatively, a lot of sleep, a phone call and probably also medication have significantly improved the mood.
    She also spoke about vacation plans in Morocco for next spring
    But it's not good, the disease is not over yet, Masha have to have someone by her side, maybe it is possible, even if it is difficult to leave Russia at the moment, to give her a Russian roommate.
    As an employer, RLC should actively take care of this. But RLC probably doesn't care how employees are doing. They only manages the few things (apartments with content) that still belong to them. 🤔

  5. 16 minutes ago, ddhm said:

    Ahh .. if she could only return .. 

    that would be good
    But they also talked about the difficulties of entering the EU
    how difficult it is to get a visa
    Masha told about the visa for her mother, it can only be obtained in Moscow and only for close relatives if there are important reasons. (for example medical) I didn't understand if it worked.
    it is definitely a very interesting conversation ::)

    • Thanks 1
  6. 23 minutes ago, ddhm said:

    Strange that friends aren’t visiting in such frequency the last month more or less .. I hope she either goes on holidays during Christmas or at least have some people staying at her place .. I don’t think it would be nice spending Christmas alone .. She is way too strong and she can deal with all , it has been a quite nice  year for her in comparison to 2020 which was the worst and this last month “ destroying “ the good  and crazy times of this whole year that she had , it is like a simple unwritten life rule , that it is all about balance 😑

    Good advice, it's difficult in this situation
    at the moment she only sees the negative side
    She doesn't see that she had friends to visit, she just sees that the friends have left.
    she does not see that some things went well, she only thinks of the failures
    She is a strong woman, she has always mastered her own problems.
    but christmas without friends ....
    It's a depression, she knows the symptoms and the way out so she will do something about it ... I hope🤔

  7. On 12/7/2021 at 9:33 PM, ddhm said:

    it will be more than interesting to see how this Christmas festivities will be for our lovely Masha and of course if a possible sudden trip to Barcelona occurs or even if she celebrates in Russian way in Rome , that is with the 15 days delay that they celebrate Christmas the Russians . 

    by this time she had already put up the Christmas tree last year.
    this year it will be later
    no Christmas spirit yet
    She should give herself a nice present to get out of this low
    The mood determines what will happen over the next few days

  8. 1 hour ago, miscvoyeur said:

    And this whole time I'm still keeping my fingers crossed for a visit from Eva.

    I hope that too
    The last thing I heard was that Eva was doing an internship with a psychologist at the end of her studies; by the way, she was looking for 3 participants for this internship, at the end it will be evaluated and then Eva is a new psychologist in Moscow (March / April 2022)
    when it's finished, maybe a trip to italy will come ... but there will be covid ... there are political problems with russia .... the prospects are rather bad 🤔

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  9. Masha and her boyfriend from Berlin are going to the museum this afternoon.
    she said he was very interested in art.
    So yesterday you bought a combination ticket for two museums. yesterday they visited the first museum
    He was a figure skater in his youth, he did a pirouette in the kitchen yesterday and Masha was impressed ⛸️ ::)

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