Number of cams is really a matter of your own pc, in my previous app you could get up to 10. But I would suggest if you don't want any risk being banned by RLC dont go over 3 cams at a time. Thanks JoJoGunne for you support, if there ever will be a donate only version, you will be the first one to get it. I don't think RLC has such a big problem with the app, you will still need to pay for your RLC subscription.
Hi guys
You might remember me from Reallifecam Dashboard, but after some time it didn't work anymore. But now I found a solution, and I started program the app from the beginning. It still needs much work, but I can show you a screenshot.
It's coded in Java this time so it will work on Windows, Mac and Linux. Anyone has some ideas for features?
Also searching for some beta testers, please PM me.
Lovies LisaArai xx :-*
What I think is that they didn't know that the cams were active already that first night. Thats why the sister (?) was showing off in the bath. And that why they were so upset when the RLC woman came with the contract.
So the balloons where a present from the reallifecam woman in that country for the couple's? It are the same as in Lina and Mark's apartment.
Anyone having problem with the bedroom cam?
(Attachment Purged)
Lisa, could you add the new couple to your app?
I can't use it to see these people...and I really miss being able to use your app to see them
Yeah working on the new version right now, in max 4 hours time it will be online! It is a whole new web version!
Thank you, my dear.
(you are female, aren't you? LOL!!)
Yeah, think that I am the only female voyeur here :p It is just so entertaining when i'm designing or programming to watch these cams :D
Lisa, could you add the new couple to your app?
I can't use it to see these people...and I really miss being able to use your app to see them
Yeah working on the new version right now, in max 4 hours time it will be online! It is a whole new web version!
Hmm, I think you will need to update your .net framework to the latest version. Don't have xp here to test it. But I have started working on a web version of the app, so you will not have to run a .exe anymore in the next version.
Yeah I'm also a mac user, that's why the development of my app is so slow. Always been thinking to make a HTML/JS/PHP app of it. But it is much harder then to take screenshots.
I think a chatbox on would be great! Then users can notify other users that something is happening in that room. I could also implement it in my dashboard program.
What do you think? If it is to much server load, I can host it on my servers, or pehaps a IRC room/server?
yeah! Much action on the first night! :p
Vids and caps are here:
Where did you get that "RLC Multiview"?
Yeah also curious about that!
Also, shame of the bad cam quality in the bedroom when it's dark. Looks they gonna have sex now.
Guys, while I was developing the reallifecam dashboard app, I found that these 'sessions' are really being IP tracked every single time. So if you want to have a permanent IP ban for the whole site, go ahead...
And if you are paying, you also help them to get new apartments.