Here is V4.0, with a new name: fooCam.
More info:
Download link:
Goodnight :)
Yeah hotcouple is right. The only way that only one stream can suffer overload would be that every single cam has an single process at a rtmp hosting service, or there must be something really weird with their load balancing. Maybe it would be cool if they could slow the frames per second if no movement is detected on a cam, but that is not easy to implement.
All the couple's do It only for the money I think, don't think they are very happy with us posting al these pics and vids here. So don't think they ever will post something here and probably this will be in the contract they have with that they can't post things on the internet. But pretty sure some of them google them self every now and then. :D
The steams come from one central rtmp streaming server. This is because it would be possible otherwise to find out where the cam is. Still don't sure where the lags comes from.
Yeah, sorry! Had some problems, windows wouldn't start up anymore but everything is now fixed. Got some school work now, but update will be here soon. I personally love the new dark user interface, it's less distracting. Now working on a function if you go fullscreen or minimize the app all the streams go to pause. (this can be turned off in the new settings form).
A new function in the future update, let you pause all cams when your switching to fullscreen :)
Thanks! Will fix it in the next update
I'm also a mac user, and use bootcamp to make this app :p It's coded in C# so no plans for mac version right now. Sorry!
Next update will be big and the most awesome.
New layout Faster Screenshot Gallery Live Chat Also free users suport And much more
Hello guys, new topic because now I can edit the first post with the most recent download link. This app lets you view and take screenshots of multiple cams at the same time. This app is still under development and has still some bugs and new features are added weekly.
More info:
Download link:
Old Version (31/01/13): Dashboard V3.0
New things:
- Bugfixes
- Sound when taking screenshot
- Automatic login
- Better screenshots
ToDo List (If you have suggestions, let me know!)
- Video Recorder
- Maps
- Live Chatbox
- ...
Please Donate
To keep development of this app alive, please donate. I'm a student and have barley enough money to buy an membership. My paypal is [email protected]
Huge thanks to JoJoGunne for donating! ;D
Let me know if you have any questions, found a bug or you have an improvement!