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Girls on Vacation ~ Chat Comments, & Quotes made by Noldus August 2017

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4 hours ago, Snakeater said:

Not everyone is scared of camera's like you are. Besides he is more concerned on how she is feeling and not himself. Most men who like women are like this. Only maggots concern themselves with only themselves. That is my opinion and have a good day.

I know you think you are the perfect specimen of a man, but nobody deserves to be called a maggot!!  I am giving you 10 demerits for that!  Have a nice day Mr. Perfect :)

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Well I'm caught up and after reading what I have just read to do so, I have to say that Sofie is actually sick or she is playing you all like a fiddle!!  All the talk of her talking to her mom and everything else can either be legit or a bunch of hogwash for her to be with what ever number this guy is.  My hat is off to him from the sounds of it, and if you really are sick Sofie I wish you a speedy recovery...........there are guys that actually watch all the drama and they need you because you are the only one that is providing any entertainment for them.  I predict that you will look and feel like a million dollars by the time you get back home!

From the talk of Anna's bate...it's the same old Anna, enjoying her sexcapades out of the apartment and contributing "0" for the paying customer.  Go home Anna and take those other two _______'s with you!!

As for the _______'s at B1.......they should all be sent home immediately!!!

I love all of you on this forum and I hope you have a wonderful day!!!

P.S.  For those of you that aren't that bright, the _______'s means to fill in the blank with whatever word you choose :)

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4 hours ago, Snakeater said:

Being that sick she was probably glad she was finally going to get some help to get well. Also to answer your other stupid question she probably did not think to wake them up to tell them, when she can call them after they wake up later from the hospital.

and the most important thing you take with you when you go to a hospital is the meds you are taking  but if you look back she just forgot all them that she has been taking  but only because she was so glad that she was leaving to go get help to get well from some thing she has been seen for two time already  go back and listen to  the bed room conversation when he came in after she packed her bag 

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9 minutes ago, bud2966 said:

e la cosa più importante che porta con sé quando si va in un ospedale è le medicine che sta assumendo, ma se si guarda indietro ha solo dimenticato tutti quelli che lei è stata presa, ma solo perché era così felice che stava lasciando andare a prendere aiutare a guarire da qualche cosa che è stato visto per due volte già tornare indietro e ascoltare la conversazione camera da letto quando è entrato dopo aver confezionato la sua borsa 

Beyond any personal consideration of girls, we must not forget that they are here for work and, I think, few of them are really "natural" in behaviors.
The only ones I think are really "genuine" are:
Rebecca and Megan (night orgy)

So I think it is plausible that Sofie has arranged a scene to go away with a guy.

But if so, it's a coward, especially for those who are worried about her.

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