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Girls on Vacation ~ Chat Comments, & Quotes made by Noldus August 2017

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6 hours ago, HarleyFatboy said:

Well I'm caught up and after reading what I have just read to do so, I have to say that Sofie is actually sick or she is playing you all like a fiddle!!  All the talk of her talking to her mom and everything else can either be legit or a bunch of hogwash for her to be with what ever number this guy is.  My hat is off to him from the sounds of it, and if you really are sick Sofie I wish you a speedy recovery...........there are guys that actually watch all the drama and they need you because you are the only one that is providing any entertainment for them.  I predict that you will look and feel like a million dollars by the time you get back home!

I don't see why or how she would fake this sickness. She was very unwell! Going to the doctor in a foreign country, I speculate that all the phone calls might have been checking her insurance. She also went through some papers, with she took with her.

To the people on this thread, I think many girls fake alot of things in this apartments, but do not assisiate me with this talk about Sofie.

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19 minutes ago, ed2 said:

I don't see why or how she would fake this sickness. She was very unwell! Going to the doctor in a foreign country, I speculate that all the phone calls might have been checking her insurance. She also went through some papers, with she took with her.

To the people on this thread, I think many girls fake alot of things in this apartments, but do not assisiate me with this talk about Sofie.

You have to stop taking Harley seariously. As far as I have understood, he doesn't have a subrcription and can only see free cams, which there are zero of in B2. So it's just his conspiracy mind that takes over when he miss understand what he reads.

He didn't see Sofie last night, might never have seen her un-blurry at all, and everybody could see that she wasn't well.

It's best just to ignore him.

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Strangely...the three times men who have come to these apartments....everytime  they didnt know the girls as such...the spanish guys knew only Nicole...the guys after that, didnt know anyone..dont know who brought them in and this guy yesterday...who initially looked as if he has had all fun with Sofie..but the way he was trying to hit on her, suggests their friendship was new as well...

Also all 3 times..men have asked awkward questions from sofie infront of camera...one spanish guy asked her about her profession, the norway guy asked her about RLC if they are paying her or not...yest the guy asked her abt when she had her last diarrhea...lool ....

overall i think these girls are taking a bit of risk...calling in guys whom they hardly know... 

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BTW...i also think Sofie was genuinely sick...but there seems to be a element of overacting...why would u cry if the are not well...plus she just wanted herself to be pampered by the guy...i think win win situation for both..both were enjoying...

But is she really so innocent...? thanking the guy for being with her...doesnt she know what the guy really wants and why he is with her...? Eitherways it seems Sofie needs a proper bf/gf soon......

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