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Stacy, Xenia, Gary & Dora

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1 minute ago, ze81 said:

Damm..Gary and Zenia have absoluty any romantic vibe between them.Think they are trying to mabe do something tonight..but it just looks forced and unnatural as always.Maybe Leo or something lol.

don't know where is the other blonde,she left faster,boyfriend call maybe :shy:

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9 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

So, please define the parameters of legitimate comments. Thx! Quite often I find that it's the off particular comments that keep thing interesting around here. I guess we can be like RLC and constantly espouse our love for certain women or describe in detail how much we adore the shape of a woman or the alternative of complaining about cam placements and hiding and such. 

Please define what I'm permitted to comment about. 

An forum should always be to talk about the subject of it,in thins case it's VH,so normally we should coment everything we think and see,good or bad as many times we feel like without desrespecting residents or cc users.In an forum we should always have freedom of speech and we aren't forced to like things or dislike them.If an forum becomes only an place to say kinder things,to tell how we love that resident or the other one and almost nothing more..then would not be an forum.You just have to look the diference from Rlc forum to VH one..in this one(at least till now)we could have frankly opinions,and maintained an fun,varied forum.

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5 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

So, please define the parameters of legitimate comments. Thx! Quite often I find that it's the off particular comments that keep thing interesting around here. I guess we can be like RLC and constantly espouse our love for certain women or describe in detail how much we adore the shape of a woman or the alternative of complaining about cam placements and hiding and such. 

Please define what I'm permitted to comment about. 


13 minutes ago, thedbear said:

(Latin forum, i, public square)
Male noun
1. Public square in ancient Rome. FORUM
2. Location for public discussion.
3. Meeting or virtual space where a particular topic is discussed.
Plural: forums.

What we do here in one of the spaces in CC destined to VHTV is to argue, to comment, to observe, to direct, to suggest, to criticize, to praise, to approve or to disapprove and recriminate events, situations and arrangements that the project presents or promotes.

Positive or negative feedback, which VH himself recognizes his value and importance when he uses names like Terry, Drew, Bree, Dean in their official communiqués.

And just because I have a strong feeling that my presence is recognized and appreciated here is the reason that I am exclusively in this part of the CC forum and not not intended for RLC.
And also the reason why I canceled my subscription there. Here I feel that I am respected.

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2 minutes ago, thedbear said:


What we do here in one of the spaces in CC destined to VHTV is to argue, to comment, to observe, to direct, to suggest, to criticize, to praise, to approve or to disapprove and recriminate events, situations and arrangements that the project presents or promotes.

Positive or negative feedback, which VH himself recognizes his value and importance when he uses names like Terry, Drew, Bree, Dean in their official communiqués.

And just because I have a strong feeling that my presence is recognized and appreciated here is the reason that I am exclusively in this part of the CC forum and not not intended for RLC.
And also the reason why I canceled my subscription there. Here I feel that I am respected.

End of my speech.

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3 minutes ago, thedbear said:


What we do here in one of the spaces in CC destined to VHTV is to argue, to comment, to observe, to direct, to suggest, to criticize, to praise, to approve or to disapprove and recriminate events, situations and arrangements that the project presents or promotes.

Positive or negative feedback, which VH himself recognizes his value and importance when he uses names like Terry, Drew, Bree, Dean in their official communiqués.

And just because I have a strong feeling that my presence is recognized and appreciated here is the reason that I am exclusively in this part of the CC forum and not not intended for RLC.
And also the reason why I canceled my subscription there. Here I feel that I am respected.

Say that to my warning point....

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