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Girls on Vacation - Chat Comments, & Quotes September 2017

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Wieso, weshalb, warum :huh:  - Gute Reise Lisa, wir hoffen auf ein Wiedersehen :heart: - Da sollte doch noch eine "Dame" "B2" verlassen, bitte kein Dauerwohnrecht 

Why, why :huh:  

Good trip Lisa, we hope for a reunion:heart:

There should still leave a "lady" "B2", please no permanent residence :exclamation:

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46 minutes ago, rosey 1 said:

i agree! She seems to also be having a problem with her Russian boyfriend... 

Yes, and maybe it didn't quite work out as Sher had thought with Regina either, they came there as very good friends, but Regina soon got along with Polya and Tereza, while maybe Sher has been left feeling alittle alone.

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1 minute ago, martyen said:

may be a sign to start crossing your fingers and light a candle at the church. a question why RLC did not put the apartment in UM? for Lisa?

It's not the first time. They do it for "the long staying" girls

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7 minutes ago, winnlove said:

Salut à tous.

J'ai appris que Vasilisa a quitté B2 aujourd'hui...

Dommage, je l'aimais bien cette fille! Bonne continuation a toi Vasilisa et sûrement un retour à Barcelone d'ici quelques mois!! 

I don't think Lola has even noticed yet...:dodgy:

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