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Girls on Vacation - Chat Comments, & Quotes September 2017

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46 minutes ago, Sergio said:

It's normal, it's only 14 hours out of the house, who of us when a young man did not do it?

People who do not study or work ... or in this case, women who have to attend to other interests away from home? The question, is not so much the number of hours that they spend outside the house, but you as a spectator, pay because these women that RLC brings to Barcelona to spend their "vacations" and to show their intimate lives in front of the cameras, as does the rest of people, whether couples or not. Perhaps it is that these girls, who spend more than 70% of their time or sleeping or out of the houses, while what could be interesting for the subscriber, is far from home.



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4.5 years now of this Barcelona Apt being online,,,, 4.5 years now that everyone here knows and sees that these women can and will leave the Apt whenever they want for as long as they want,,,and for 4.5 years now Mikey has been telling everyone here that it will always and forever be this way and it will "NEVER" ever change,,,and for 4.5 years now all of you still subscribe to RLC even though you know exactly what will happen after you subscribe,,but yet still subscribe anyway and then complain after you subscribe about the very thing that you knew was going to happen before you subscribed to RLC. Wow just Wow.:rolleyes::rolleyes:


28 minutes ago, vortios said:

People who do not study or work ... or in this case, women who have to attend to other interests away from home? The question, is not so much the number of hours that they spend outside the house, but you as a spectator, pay because these women that RLC brings to Barcelona to spend their "vacations" and to show their intimate lives in front of the cameras, as does the rest of people, whether couples or not. Perhaps it is that these girls, who spend more than 70% of their time or sleeping or out of the houses, while what could be interesting for the subscriber, is far from home.




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