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Girls on Vacation - Chat Comments, & Quotes September 2017

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4 minutes ago, phantomcapsnet said:

I agree but let's be honest , Barcelona apartments do not fit this concept.  They are a little bit more artificials

... is it not just a bit more artifical. Almost all the girls keep out every private aspect of there life (except sleeping and showers).

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7 minutes ago, phantomcapsnet said:

Sono d'accordo, ma siamo onesti, gli appartamenti di Barcellona non si adattano a questo concetto. Sono un po 'più artificiali


even if they were always at home, what should they do to say they have the idea of the project, or is it a real life?

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Just now, Mauri said:


even if they were always at home, what should they do to say they have the idea of the project, or is it a real life?

Do you remember the night the two guys had this strange "party" (a bit dancing and dry humping)? ... Here it start to get real after the "party" was over and they actually talked. 

Unfortunately, they left the apartment as soon as possible. Normal. Sure, but they came back after some time just to get pillows and drings and leave again outside the cam view. They avoid the cams when something got private at all cost. They almost never have real friends over. There were some girls (e.g. Nora, Nicole, Elisa, ..) that were with the idea of the project, but most of the time, the girls (like Lola, Polya, ...) have their real life outside only.  

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5 minutes ago, Spock said:

Ti ricordi la notte che i due ragazzi avevano questa strana "festa" (un po 'danzante e asciutto)? ... Qui comincia a diventare reale dopo che la "festa" è finita e in realtà hanno parlato. 

Purtroppo, hanno lasciato l'appartamento il più presto possibile. Normale. Certo, ma sono tornati dopo qualche tempo solo per ottenere cuscini e fasci e lasciare di nuovo fuori dalla vista cam. Evitano le camme quando qualcosa viene privato a tutti i costi. Non hanno quasi mai amici veri. C'erano alcune ragazze (ad esempio Nora, Nicole, Elisa, ...) che erano con l'idea del progetto, ma per la maggior parte del tempo, le ragazze (come Lola, Polya, ...) hanno la loro vita reale solo all'esterno.  

the problem is that they know they are shooting, so it may be embarrassing, or that the guys do not want to stay in the cam, bring new kids every time, as if they were prostitutes, for me it is not real, have a life out you, I understand they can be very tedious, but the couple's apartments are also boring

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7 minutes ago, Spock said:

Ti ricordi la notte che i due ragazzi avevano questa strana "festa" (un po 'danzante e asciutto)? ... Qui comincia a diventare reale dopo che la "festa" è finita e in realtà hanno parlato. 

Purtroppo, hanno lasciato l'appartamento il più presto possibile. Normale. Certo, ma sono tornati dopo qualche tempo solo per ottenere cuscini e fasci e lasciare di nuovo fuori dalla vista cam. Evitano le camme quando qualcosa viene privato a tutti i costi. Non hanno quasi mai amici veri. C'erano alcune ragazze (ad esempio Nora, Nicole, Elisa, ...) che erano con l'idea del progetto, ma per la maggior parte del tempo, le ragazze (come Lola, Polya, ...) hanno la loro vita reale solo all'esterno.  

the shows you see every now and then with nora, are specially made for their monthly earnings, to enroll people

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9 minutes ago, Mauri said:

the problem is that they know they are shooting, so it may be embarrassing, or that the guys do not want to stay in the cam, bring new kids every time, as if they were prostitutes, for me it is not real, have a life out you, I understand they can be very tedious, but the couple's apartments are also boring

... also boring? ... I like to watch most of the couple apartments. At least there are way better than apartments were everything is keep outside.

8 minutes ago, Mauri said:

the shows you see every now and then with nora, are specially made for their monthly earnings, to enroll people

Nora was not perfect, but at least she really lived there. ... Just have a look at B1. It's so obvious that someone told them to spend more time in the apartment. They wait until the work time is over and they can leave again for some fun outside. If you find this exciting, I can't help you. 

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6 minutes ago, Spock said:

... anche noioso? ... mi piace guardare la maggior parte degli appartamenti delle coppie. Almeno ci sono modi migliori degli appartamenti che tutto è tenuto fuori.

Nora non era perfetta, ma almeno realmente viveva lì. ... Basta guardare B1. È così evidente che qualcuno abbia detto loro di trascorrere più tempo nell'appartamento. Attendono finché il tempo di lavoro è finito e possono lasciare nuovamente per qualche divertimento all'esterno. Se riesci a trovare questo eccitante, non posso aiutarti. 


I do not know what you are doing in your real life, maybe you'll be all day naked to masturbate or have sex and bring a new girl every day, you just want to see this, the couple's apartments are boring, what are they doing all day? nothing, they are only looked at when they are in intimacy, then what do they have in real life? they do not work they do not leave

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Just now, Mauri said:


I do not know what you are doing in your real life, maybe you'll be all day naked to masturbate or have sex and bring a new girl every day, you just want to see this, the couple's apartments are boring, what are they doing all day? nothing, they are only looked at when they are in intimacy, then what do they have in real life? they do not work they do not leave

RLC is not only about the sex. It is about the private life and sex is a part of it. As soon as the residents keep this part away, it is not really a view into their private life any more. ... It is that simple. 

In Barcelona, most of the girls keep their private life (not only the sex) outside only. The concept is not working and i would like to see this places get closed and replaced with something actually worth the money. 

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Well hell they should just close both B1 and B2 permanently. I'm sure they get enough money from the other apartments to make up the difference. No need for more roommate apartments either. It's clear to see all girl apartments are to much trouble to deal with and many people will never be happy no matter what the girls do or don't do. Just think then they wouldn't have to put up with all the complaints and the trouble of finding new girls. Then a lot of people in this thread could move on be much happy (if that's possible) because they wouldn't have these girls upsetting them all the time.:dodgy:

(for those with no sense of humor I'm being sarcastic) 


Just for the record I haven't been a RLC member for a couple months and I haven't really been watching the free cams much either.

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